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Disclaimer: Penthouse story and characters are not mines. I'm just a big SeokRona fan who still can't move on from them ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

Please forgive grammar mistakes and typos. (^_^)



"At that time I was alone, surviving without anyone protecting me."

That line always rang in Seokhoon's head. So far, what made him very protective of Rona was the incident when she was injured by his father. He almost lost Rona. When he still didn't know the fact that Rona was still alive, he lived in regret. He was sorry, he didn't do much for Rona. For two years he never replied to Rona's email even though he missed her very much. His hesitation to get back in touch even though all she wanted was for them at least could be friends, made him regret that he did not have the opportunity to sort out his relationship with Rona. Almost every day he went to Rona's grave just to show his remorse, to reveal things he never had time to say to the girl who always filled his heart. Almost every day he regretted his stupidity. 

Fortunately, he got his wish for a second chance with her. The fact that Rona was still alive made him not spend a minute without being on Rona's side, he didn't want to lose her again. That's why Seokhoon was very protective of Rona and always wanted to be by her side because the time he spent not by her side was still more than he spent with her. 

But the story Rona told at dinner last night made him realize, his girlfriend always felt irritated at his protective attitude not because Rona felt she was able to rise from the dead so she's not afraid of anything and anyone, but because she felt she had been able to get through this before.

Rona's words about how she is used to having experienced this before seemed to slap Seokhoon. Seokhoon, who is now very protective of his girlfriend, didn't do anything when Rona needed him two years ago. He was too absorbed in his sadness of being left by his own mother to care for Rona who has no one but her mother. He should have acted smarter when he saw his father giving money to his servant. He should have been suspicious, just like when he's investigating Eunbyeol for Rona's supposed death. But instead, he didn't do anything for her that time, only a few times he watched Rona silently from a distance. He didn't even do anything to help her even though he knew that Rona needed someone at that time. He could only cry over his regret when he saw the girl he loves went to the US with her mother.

And now, he was fighting with his girlfriend because of his exaggerated attitude in protecting her and Rona's stubbornness in living her life in her own way when there are still many threats around her. Seokhoon couldn't blame Rona because she must have experienced a very heavy suffering while living as a daughter of a fugitive to see what is happening to her right now is not worse than before.

"If you're worried, you better go to Rona and accompany her." His mother standing on the stairs startled Seokhoon who was sitting in silence on the sofa in his living room.

"It's already 1 am, but you still haven't go to your room." His mother went down the stairs one by one and sat next to him.

"I know you're very worried about Rona. So throw away your ego and go to Rona's apartment." His mother stroked his head.

"Rona will be angrier with me."

"Then come quietly, and go home before she gets up."

Seokhoon looked at his mother. He had thought that if only his mother would contact him and tell him the truth. If only his mother had told him that it wasn't Rona's mother who killed her. If only his mother had told him she was still alive. If only his mother did one of those.

Hearing the girl he likes, told a story about her life shortly after her mother was accused of murdering his mother, he was very sorry that he did nothing. Even when he watched the video of her being bullied that was shown by his sister, he still did nothing. If only his mother had told him that he was still alive then maybe Seokhoon wouldn't feel this regretful.  

He felt his mother stroking his back afterwards as couraging him to go. He sighed maybe his mother's idea wasn't bad.

"Okay, I'll go there." Seokhoon stood up and left the living room and headed for Rona's unit.


"I'm just not used to this. You treat me as if I am weak and can't protect myself."

It's been five minutes since Seokhoon stood in front of Rona's unit, he's not entered yet even though he knew the door code. He thought about Rona's words and was afraid that his girlfriend would get angry with him even more. But after thinking for a long time, he decided to listen to his mother's words, he would leave before Rona woke up so that she won't see him sleeping in her living room.

Seokhoon entered the door code and walked into Rona's home. He quietly walked to Rona's room and opened it. Seokhoon, who found out that the door to his girlfriend's room was unlocked, became irritated that his girlfriend didn't listen to his advice to always lock the door.

Seokhoon saw her sleeping soundly in her bed. He watched her for a long time at her room entrance, holding himself from going to her bed and caressing her hair.

"What should I do with you, Rona-ya? You promised me to let me redeem myself for not being by your side." He asked, watching her sleeping form.


Rona woke up from sleep abruptly. She looked at the clock on her bedside table.

"3 am." Rona rubbed her face. She just woke up from a nightmare. The nightmare that had been haunting her for the past few days. This had made her sleep-deprived because it's about Seokhoon, and now her fight with Seokhoon makes it worse.

Rona got out of bed and went to the kitchen to get some water. When she passed the living room, she couldn't hide her surprise when she saw her boyfriend sleeping on the couch. She approached him who was sleeping on his side. Rona looked at her boyfriend for a moment, before trying to brush his hair that covered his eyes.

"What should I do with you, Seokhoon-ah?" Rona whispered to the sleeping boy.

After staring at her boyfriend for a long time, Rona went to her room again, forgetting what she wanted to do after waking up from her sleep a moment ago.

The next day, Rona had found an empty couch when she came out of her room. There was no trace of her lover sleeping on the couch. She sighed then took her phone.



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