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Disclaimer: Penthouse story and characters are not mines. I'm just a big SeokRona fan who still can't move on from them ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

Please forgive grammar mistakes and typos. (^_^)



"Do your job correctly! Don't put all the trash together. It must be separated!" Rona glared irritably at her boyfriend after she checked the trash that he had collected and compared it with her. She and her boyfriend had to do their punishment during lunch break for half an hour.

Her irritation didn't solely because he didn't listen to her explanation when they started, but they need to have lunch before starting a new class and what he's doing surely didn't help them. She actually felt so tired and hungry as before this was a PE class. So while her classmates went directly to the cafeteria to have lunch. She and her boyfriend were stuck in here doing their punishment. That's why she had a big annoyance seeing her boyfriend did his job carelessly and she could see she would do the job twice. It's like she did the punishment alone.

"Hey, how do I know it?? This is the first time I've done this kind of thing." Seokhoon retorted back at her.

"Such a PRINCE!!" Rona could only mutter her irritation at the reply given by her boyfriend.

"I was supposed to be annoyed to hear that, but why am I happy you called me like that? It's been a long time since you called me that." Rona saw Seokhoon glanced playfully at her and started to approach her.

Rona couldn't hold her patience after hearing her boyfriend's reply so she hit the back of the tall schoolboy when he stood next to her.

"Ouchh!!" Rona held back her laughter when she saw Seokhoon grimace in pain while trying to grab his back with his long arms.

"It's not time to joke! You know Mr Jung doesn't like to see us show off! Do you want us to do this punishment longer than we are supposed to?" Rona said annoyedly.

"That's good, right? I can spend more time with you together. Think of it as payment for two days we fought." Seokhoon smiled.

Rona then rolled her eyes and sighed. She decided to refocus on her work and walked away from Seokhoon.

"Don't be angry. I'm kidding. Let's finish this job together. What if you teach me the correct way again?" Seokhoon grabbed her hand asking her not to go away while pouting. A victory smile showed on his face when Rona sighed in surrender. She then walked towards the trash that her boyfriend had collected.

"First, you have to separate which one can be recycled and which is not. Then you separate plastic and metal. For soft drink cans, you have to collect them together." Rona tried to explain (again) the work he should be doing.

Rona saw him squatting and observed the pile of trash he was supposed to separate. After hearing Rona's explanation, he then started sorting the trash.

"JOO SEOKHOON! BAE RONA!" A male voice startled them.

"What is it?" Rona stood up and looked at one of their classmate who had the same surname as her while Seokhoon was still squatting ignoring their classmate as his focus was the work in front of him.

"You have to go to class right now!" A boy with the name Bae Joonyoung asked them to come with him as if there was something urgent.

"Do you not see that we're busy right now?" Seokhoon, who was still squatting and without looking at Joonyoung, answered irritatedly.

"Believe me. It's about you, Rona." Joonyoung reassured them.

After her name was mentioned, Rona instantly turned to Seokhoon who stood up quickly and looked back at Rona with concerned eyes.

For Us [Penthouse - Seokrona AU]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें