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Disclaimer: Penthouse story and characters are not mines. I'm just a big SeokRona fan who still can't move on from them ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

Please forgive grammar mistakes and typos. (^_^)



Seokhoon squatted while thinking, the pile of recycled trash he had collected earlier he let pile up in front of him. At first glance, he seemed to be thinking about sorting out the trash in front of him but actually, he was thinking about what happened to his girlfriend yesterday.

After coming home from school yesterday, Rona, who had gone home with his mother earlier than him, spent the rest of the day sleeping at the penthouse. She only woke up for dinner, and even then he (as a good boyfriend) helped her eat dinner in the guest room that might be Rona's room afterwards. Even though she said that her neck felt fine, both Seokhoon and his mother still treated her like a sick person. His mother's threat to tell her mother that her daughter had another accident made Rona obey them. His girlfriend didn't want her mother to know because she didn't want to worry her mother about her.

Seokhoon sighed, it turns out that all this time he should have used her mother to threaten his stubborn girlfriend. He smiled at the memory of his girlfriend who instantly fell silent with a pale face after his mother said that she was going to visit her mother and tell her that her daughter was being terrorized and almost killed a second time.

After dinner, Seokhoon spent his time chatting with Rona briefly about what happened to her. She said that she managed to bite her attacker's hand, it probably became a scar. Seokhoon also remembered the physical form of the person he was fighting against. He has a physique that is not like a school student, even so, Seokhoon still didn't rule out the possibility that the attacker is a student. Since this morning he had watched the students one by one to compare it with the attacker. There were some students whom he was suspicious of because of their physical similarity, but most of them were students from other classes or their juniors. He didn't find their connection with Rona and their reasons for harming Rona.

Seokhoon took a green soft drink's can and put it in the collection of other kinds of beverages cans he had collected. He also had a conversation with his mother last night about the request he made to his mother earlier, which is investigating Lee Minhyuk and Yoo Jeni's family. Minhyuk's family, especially his grandfather, just wanted to raise his family name and from his mother's testimony at the hearing yesterday, his grandfather was very adamant that his grandson wasn't the culprit. His mother noticed that what Minhyuk's grandfather wanted was for Minhyuk to stay in school until graduation. Seokhoon after hearing this had a thought, maybe that's why Minhyuk seemed to accept the bullying without any resistance.

Minhyuk and his grandfather were scratched off from his list of suspicious people. He was now thinking about Jeni, his mother told him the one who needed to be suspected is her because Jeni's father is a very suspicious person. Jeni's father, whom he knew all this time was in Dubai. His mother said that she didn't find Jeni's father's name on the list of people who entered and left Korea from and to Dubai for the last 5 years. He eyed the collection of beverage cans in front of him, he thought again whether Jeni was the culprit? If so, his girlfriend will surely be heartbroken to hear that her former friend intends to harm her. But is Jeni that evil to the point of having the intention to harm Rona? Was she that angry because her mother went to prison so she had bad intentions against her friend?

"You're staring at the cans for nearly five minutes. Did you count them one by one?" A male voice interrupted Seokhoon's deep thoughts. He turned to the voice. His teacher named Jung Hyungwoo was standing behind him.

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