XLII. The turning point between the two

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"Today is the anniversary day of our former emperor's death," Namjoon announces. "So a discreet tribute will be made and-"


Namjoon is left with his mouth ajar. The two emperors look at each other and both Hoseok and Jimin bite their lips nervously. The thing about Agust barely speaking is that when he does, you know the topic is either too serious or irritates him too much. The pair of kisaeng try to think of a way to lighten the strange atmosphere that has just formed. Barely finished breakfast and everything feels so heavy. Namjoon clears his throat, clearly cut off for the moment and in need to steady himself again.

"As I was saying: a discreet tribute will be made. Many not les and civilians have asked permission to go to his grave and-"


Jimin brings both hands to his face. This is going for bad.

"No what? Majesty." asks to clarify Namjoon.

"No such thing is going to take place. No one is going to honor his death or give prayers for him." Namjoon presses his lips together, looks sideways at the two emperors and finds what he feared: disapproval and disgust. "From this year onwards it will be like this."

"Your Majesty, it is a tradition that has been carried on for centuries. Regardless of what happens, the first ten years of your death, being unnatural, you must be honored" Namjoon relates gently and fearfully. "We can't break away from it."

"We will."

"Not honoring a father is an unattractive quality in your position, Emperor Yoongi." notifies Yut-Xing. The blond says nothing.

"Before anything else, one must honor one's family and in your situation, it is more than cumbersome that you do not plan to do so." Masahiro continues. Agust remains silent. His posture straight, green eyes bright and the subtle warning not to insist. His opinion isn't going to change.

"How does he plan to atone for his crime if he doesn't perform the tradition?" Yut-Xing asserts. "Don't forget what you carries in your hands: nothing less than the blood of your father. From the one who helped give you life, gave a throne and a prosperous empire despite his mistakes."

"Tradition is tradition. Even in your aggressive manner of ruling, it is not in your power or decision to destroy a tradition."

Agust gets up from his seat and leaves without a word. Namjoon sees where he came out and the two emperors. He sweats nervously and his dragon emerges, giving soft roars as it rests on the shoulders of the dazed counselor. Yut-Xing watches the dragon with curiosity and interest. Remarkably ancient and somehow communicating with its bearer. Namjoon clears his throat, gives a half bow and remains calmly gesturing.

"I am sorry for the discomfort. Your majesty is occasionally difficult to deal with" Namjoon excuses. "And lack of concern. I promise that the tribute will be held. It will be private and small as had been planned, but it will be done."

"I hope it will. While the time is being made, I would like to-"

"My companion is not feeling very well, my lord" Jimin speaks before Masahiro finishes. Hoseok looks at him with a confused face. He what? But he is fine. "I'm afraid he deserves a break to relax and meditate on what happened to find himself like this today" Jimin looks at him with that forced expression of urgency to be understood. Hoseok gives a resounding Oh! And then nods steadily, rubs his belly with his hand and makes a sad face. "So only I will be with you for today. I am sorry that this news disappointed you and add that it is an honor to be your kisaeng."

Jimin gives a full bow at the same time biting his lips. Stressed. Fortunately the emperors gave no retort to this news. On the contrary, they were very happy and dismissed Hoseok wishing him to get better. Namjoon excuses that he must accompany him to escape from the room. Hoseok is accosted by the counselor almost two minutes after he is out and at a sufficient distance so that he cannot be heard.

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