XXXIV. Without giving opportunity to others

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Yoongi yawns and rolls over on the futon, Jungkook asleep next to him with his hair sprawled over his back. It's rare to see him asleep on his stomach, he's usually on his back or side and much straighter. Now he looks so relaxed he must be very deep. Migurim emerges and checks overhead. Kurimjanie doesn't come up either.

Yoongi squints and reaches over, before touching him he hears footsteps approaching. He gets up from the futon and puts on the first thing he finds. Opens the door and goes out after the person who passed by. Yoongi puts a hand on his shoulder and turns him around.

"What the fuck...?"


He's surprised to see Sangwoo. The man opens and closes his mouth before looking around and pulling Yoongi into the next room. Jungkook exhales and moves where he's, continues his quiet and sweet sleep.

"What the fuck are you doing here, are you an idiot to sneak into this place while the emperor is here?" scolds Yoongi instantly giving him a shove.

"And you were supposed to be dead! You don't show up for months and you're here!" claims Sangwoo in a huff. "Listen, it doesn't matter, we have to go. If you're with us it'll be easier to fulfill what they asked us to do."


"Yes. They hired us and they're going to pay us phenomenally. We will be richer than the emperor of China and Japan combined." he communicates excitedly. Yoongi notices that he's nervous or rather, too over-jumped to hold back.

"What the fuck does that matter to me?" snorts Yoongi instantly in a bad mood. "Since when do we do whatever some stiff asks? I leave them for five minutes and they turn into the same old crawling shit." Yoongi mumbles, giving him a rabid shove. He's more than disappointed.

"We couldn't let it go! What's more, look! They gave me this! It's part of the pa- HEY!"

Yoongi checks the dwikkoji. He's sure he saw Jimin with one just like it. He knows it's the same one because of the jade pieces embedded in a particular way. What he wonders about this is where did he get it from? There's no way it could have been removed now. Not to say he finds it easier to fight a bear than to take anything from Jimin. With what he knows now about the water dragon, it's impossible to be sneaky with him.

"Who hired you?"

"They're a group of nobles," he replies taking the dwikkoji. "About eight or nine. They told us that the emperor would be here and so we are going to do our part" Yoongi remains with a bad face. "We are going to kill the people here. We will put the heads on pikes around the palace. They will send the guard and-"

"That doesn't make sense."

"Who cares! They'll pay us!"

"NOTHING MAKES SENSE!" Migurim emerges, baring his fangs and scaring Sangwoo. Not because he can see her well, but that almost evil shadow around Yoongi. The refulgent green eyes, the blonde roots and scar standing out against the whiteness of his face. "We don't give a shit about the nobility's problems. We take their gold, jewels and whatever we need and leave" Yoongi informs him between teeth. "We kill if we have to or they start fucking around. Not over a pantomime of something irrelevant!"

"I could have the emperor removed, can you imagine!? At least he won't be a useless albino who killed his own father!"

Migurim growls, flailing in rabid rhythm.

"Get lost."



The shadow dragon emerges and roars in the face of Sangwoo who flees in a hurry. Half a minute passes until Jungkook appears at the door with a sulky and sleepy gesture, the general approaches.

Jade • Princes | Yoonseok/YoonKook || BOOK 1#Where stories live. Discover now