XXXIX. A little help for success

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"What are we supposed to do, can we refuse that? send someone else?"

"I wouldn't get so upset," Namjoon says with his hands behind his back. "After all, he's presumed dead. No matter how similar he looks, it's almost impossible to link him to that person" Hoseok continues with the nervous gesture. "If the tattoo is not visible, he may as well look like a random Japanese person living here and, contrary to being a problem, it would be beneficial."

"You lost me. How does that shit help?" snorts Yoongi crossly.

"In that foreigners are generally not allowed to hold positions like this. Even if you're kisaeng, you're working directly to the emperor and that's a great honor," Jungkook explains simply. "It can be seen as allowing the Japanese to climb up here as well instead of being kept at bay. That they are accepted here."

"They are not." Yoongi adds.

"No, but what matters is that you believe it, because appearances are what politics is full of."

Yoongi snorts and Agust shrugs. What can you tell him. It's reality and they must adjust to it when it's impossible to bend it. He has done his best to adjust it to his living, but in this he has no way to do it.

"You will sleep in an adjoining room" Agust announces to Hoseok. "You are well aware that you are not to touch each other inappropriately and if you do, you would be derelict in your duties as a guest. Your only duty is to entertain. Nothing more."

Hoseok nods sheepishly. In theory it's nothing complicated, he's just afraid his nerves will betray him and he'll end up making a mess. It will be seeing his familiar for the first time in a long time. He didn't think it would happen again. Traveling is very complicated and even if he showed the tattoo, there are those who have forged it or would not let him pass to see anyone. He looks like just another commoner. That is why he never tried to return in any way. He gave it up as a lost cause over the years.

And now, in theory, he has the opportunity at hand to return to Japan. To listen to his real language, to dance what he loved, so many things he misses there. Hoseok bites his lips lightly. Not noticing Agust watching him silently.

. . .

"Have they gone crazy?" whispers Jungkook impressed of what the letter in his hand says.

Jungkook knows they are an extremist group and disinterested in anyone but themselves, but he thought there was a fine line they wouldn't cross and from what he read, he was dead wrong. The worst part of the case is that he has no way to give this away discreetly. A breath on his shoulder over jumps him and he pushes Migurim's head barely distinguishes it well. The dragoness gurgles and already Jungkook knows what she wants: Kurimimjanie.

Because the jade dragon is incapable of being without her for play or sleep. It's almost ridiculous how close they have become. She lets Kurimjanie out to continue her meditation or head-breaking. That's the best way to define it.

"It's not that complicated" Jungkook looks back, finds Yoongi entering the room. "Say the gunpowder got damaged so nothing explodes. It's as simple as making excuses. I used to do it all the time."

"I doubt they would fall for such a silly excuse," opines Jungkook waving the paper written in black ink. "No one planning such an assassination can swallow such nonsense. We are not children." Yoongi snorts and walks over. He takes the paper from his hand.

It's a simple warning not to go. That having told where to get gunpowder-not knowing it's not good quality-they plan to blow up where the emperor of China rests. To assassinate him and cause conflict. Let it appear to be Agust's fault and while unleashing a war, it will be the best way to get rid of Agust without anyone going to complain about it.

Jade • Princes | Yoonseok/YoonKook || BOOK 1#Where stories live. Discover now