XIV. Because everyone is worthwhile

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"You and the emperor are so alike that I feel stifled" Hoseok exhales wearily and Yoongi exhibits his displeasure. "So quiet, cold, dry and lately sleepy. They're identical twins even if they avoid being identical."

"Don't talk crap. I don't look like that uptight stuck-up piece of shit."

"You do more than you think," Jin states sitting outside on the edge of the ground. There are some butterflies fluttering around. Yoongi watches him grow plants. Mainly flowers where the colorful winged insects placidly pause. "Rude, pedantic and demanding to be the only one in the world."

"Plus, he has dark circles under his eyes like that lately, too. I don't know why he doesn't sleep well. He's asked me to stay with him while he rests to help him" Hoseok comments and Jin raises an eyebrow. How precise. "He wakes up better, but at night he's been a tremendous problem."

"Ummm... That explains to me why my lord hasn't wanted to leave here yet. They're probably still discussing important things and he's looking for ways to help him" Jin muses aloud. "Anyway, well done fulfilling your role. Before long the rulers of Japan and China may be coming. It will be your time to show who you really are." he adds and Hoseok looks nervous.

"That is, to sleep with them." snorts Yoongi.

"No. What part of these being government meetings don't you understand? "Jin groans in disgust.

"Oh please, stop bothering with that stupidity. You three are just well-dressed prostitutes. There's no other reason for a man to fix anyone up so nicely."

"So, you're a prostitute too? From Mr. Jungko-"

Jin miraculously dodges the cup Yoongi throws at him. The dragoness on guard in case his lord asks his to attack. Yoongi clicks his tongue grumpily, with Migurim wagging her tail curiously and very distant to his user's mood; Jin laughs cynically. Rises from his place and it is possible to watch as the creature with soft skin and apparent flower petals emerges around him.

"What's the matter? Are you bothered by reality? That you look like nothing more than a sad, cheap prostitute under General Jungkook's roof" Yoongi grits his teeth. "Although, on second thought, it must be out of pity. Who would want to sleep with such an ugly and disgusting little thing like you." Jimin walks up to the place and notices the bad atmosphere.

"Is something wrong?" he asks strangely. Jin shakes his head. "Hyung-"

"Just teaching him to stop barking so much. That's all," Jin announces relaxed, places a pink flower between the braids of Jimin's eonjun meori. "Take that into account, that's your duty too." he informs as he leave. Jimin pouts before taking place.

"Good." He clasps his hands together. "Today-"

"I want to leave."

"You can't leave yet-"

"I don't care-"

"I said no."

Yoongi feels the pressure of his body not moving. He clenches his teeth in annoyance at the same time as his fists. Jimin clears his throat.

"Listen, your situation, everyone's situation, can always get better. But you have to decide to want it to get better" Jimin advises gently. More than he has so far. "I understand that this is coming out of what you want. From what you'd like, but instead of seeing it as a problem, as torture, take advantage of it."

"I'm not a rat like you."

"No, you are one of the street and you will be forever unless you take the chances life gives you" Yoongi lowers his gaze with a frown. "Yoongi" Jimin calls. "Wouldn't you like to have a family?"

Jade • Princes | Yoonseok/YoonKook || BOOK 1#Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang