V. The not-so-inviting invitation

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"Heeeeeey~! You woke up. That's a relief. We were afraid you would take too long or your injuries would be too severe."

"I'm fine except for the point that I don'tunderstandwhyI'mstuckintheimperialpalaceandtheemperorwantstOTALKTOME." Hoseok speaks in such a panic that he puts the words together and they become strange babbles that are far from sounding like hangul.

Jihyo laughs tenderly. Hoseok is too comical and adorable at the same time.

"The emperor asked us all to go talk to him. It seems he wants to compensate us for our losses. The fire destroyed several things" Jihyo announces and Hoseok lets out air. Okay, if he wants to see the whole group, that's fine. Is it more normal? "On the other hand, and from everyone Congratulations!" exclaims Jihyo excitedly.

"Huh, why, is it my birthday?" Hoseok points out in confusion.

"No silly! The emperor sent you this" Hoseok furrows his eyebrows and pouts A green flower? It looks like an emerald or jade. Small and brooch-like. "You are so lucky! Since he started ruling he hasn't had more than one, for him to give you the invitation is unbelievable!

"Wait, wait, waaaaaait a minute" Hoseok claps his hands twice. "What's that? invitation to what? what doesn't he have?"

"To be his Kisaeng."

"What is Kisaeng and why does it sound like it's something ugly?" whines Hoseok with his hands on his head and his heart about to vacation away from his chest.

"Don't you know what is a...? Oh, right, I forgot. Kisaeng are escort ladies" Hoseok stands with his hands on his cheeks and expression of crisis. "They are for entertaining people. Emperors usually have a lot of them. A couple of reigns ago, there was one with a hundred and twelve. Although it looks like he was on the verge of impoverishing the crown for it" she laughs with amusement. "They are usually artists or upper class ladies who receive a jade flower. It's a sign of appreciation to wish to see a beautiful show."

"But I don't want to-"

"Don't be silly! How will you deny this?" she retorts with her hands on her hips.

"T-the emperor scares me," excuses Hoseok in whimpers. "I don't want to stay here. That sounds like geishas and geishas have sex with their lords. My precious little flower is fine where it's!"

Jihyo mentioned that it's women, but Hoseok assumes it applies to men too. Or she needs someone else to explain it to him. The point here is that it sounds the same to him and he doesn't want to be a prostitute or a man? Gentleman? Companion. It's a far cry from what he has as a life expectation. Jihyo holds out the flower and takes it in a trembling hand.

"Not necessarily. The ones who want and allow are the ones who get that deal. It's a very respected and careful job. They're to charm with dancing, singing, music and conversation. Not to be prostitutes. There is a long stretch" Hoseok remains uneasy. He looks at the small jade flower in his hand. "Do you want to know something curious?"

"If by that I forgot about the invitation, please."

"He made that jade. The royal family is known for possessing a dragon capable of making jade by touching anything" Jihyo relates and Hoseok is impressed. "That's why it's so important... In his invitation, the one who asks for you considers you so valuable that he does so in exchange for the rarest and most exotic material in the world."

Hoseok reddens. He didn't know jade dragons existed. He thought his was the rare one. He superficially strokes the flower. Despite Jihyo's explanation how to believe that? The emperor saw it, at most, for an hour and wants it as Kisaeng? Something is strange here.

Jade • Princes | Yoonseok/YoonKook || BOOK 1#Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora