VII. More closely related than is apparent

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"I see... It's an awesome dragón. Did you name it?"

"Sookie." replies Hoseok smiling.

Hoseok had to give a more precious demonstration of his dragoness to the counselor. It was without Agust present, as he's attending to his own business. For him it was better that way. Calmer. The emperor does nothing but stare at him and it's... Uncomfortable.

He doesn't understand why does it. It's very strange that Agust doesn't even address him. Nor does he give orders. He has walked for a few days in the imperial palace without any problem. As if it were his home or something like that. Everyone is in his own world, so this tardiness of supervision doesn't surprise him. Hoseok brings up his dragon, who keeps curled up to him and tilts her head.

Contrary to others, she's a dragon covered with scales of many, many colors, the fur on her back looks like flowing webs and part of her body is black. Hoseok gives a kiss to the dragoness who, he says, purrs.

"A thousand faces is a nickname. I can have a look for every scale. That's why she's black underneath." explains Hoseok pointing to the uncolored part of her body. Sookie gives an embarrassed grunt.

"Umm... I'd like to do some tests later" Namjoon announces. He hands his notebook with notations to an accompanying servant. "I got very little regarding this variation. I'd like to document more about its behavior, abilities, if it's no trouble." Hoseok effusively shakes his head as bows awkwardly. Imitated by Sookie.

"Sir... you told me I would have... training or... something-"

"Ah, yes, but not yet. Who will do it is my Kisaeng and concubine. I haven't adjusted his schedule yet. He will also be tutoring a second person. We've been busy on that topic" Namjoon explains gently and Hoseok makes a circle with his mouth. Of his kisaeng he speaks rather respectfully. Unlike how he addresses Hoseok. "I will let you know with a day's notice when they will start that kind of work. Until then, just wait for the emperor to call you. When your majesty gets overwhelmed likes to see pretty things."

"O-okay." Hoseok bows again. Now he's curious.

~ * * * ~

"Hasn't he progressed at all?"

"Only in standing still, and I doubt that's what you can call progress."

Yoongi puts his ear to the wall. That voice sounds a lot like his, so it must be Agust. Manages to break through the paper a little to see into the other room. The only thing there is Agust drinking next to Jungkook. Both sitting in front of a low table for it. The maid with the drink steps back.

"I don't expect you to believe me your private tutor. I don't have time-"

"I'll say what you have time for or not" Agust interrupts, gruff, "but no, that won't be you. Jimin will take over. He's the only one who will be able to put anything into the heads of two adults who can't even read" Jungkook breathes a sigh of relief "Has he said anything to you?"

"Other than complaining about you, nothing."


"From what I understood, your dragoness is named Migurim. It's kind of comical that it's similar to the name you gave yours" Jungkook comments casually. Agust says nothing "I've also been thinking that it takes someone competent to take over the Songak region" Starts to say sheepishly, "The one who rules it is Mr. Min-Guk, but he already-"

"He stays where he is."

"It might work better if I-"


"Your Majesty-"

"You're not moving from here," Agust announces taking another sip from his cup "Who do you think you're to earn that place? Or even ask for it or even consider it in your mind?" Agust relieves and Jungkook purses his lips "I don't think I need to remind you that you're not even my father's son. You're just a bastard who didn't get killed at the time and neither did I."

Jade • Princes | Yoonseok/YoonKook || BOOK 1#Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat