II. While the others watch

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"They're going to start already. I guess."

"They will when the emperor arrives."

"Are you sure this is a good idea?"

He gives a dismissive laugh and uncrosses his arms to walk downstairs. He watches his subordinates arrange loads of gunpowder and fireworks. He pulls his hair back and scrunches up his face from accidentally rubbing the scar on his face. He stops and leans against a window frame.

Unwary people just waiting for the strolling performers to start their show. Uncaring and as if nothing is happening. It irritates him. You can tell they are the capital and nothing else should be a problem in their lives. He snorts and shakes his hand at a moth that comes to annoy him.

He mutters under his breath what they will do: they will light the fireworks in this building, then the ones they placed in the building across the street that connects to the entire subway circle. It may be the capital, but it was easy to do all that. Even getting rid of the owners of those places. They are all so careless. Not to mention the emperor himself.

Who will come here just to enjoy a show. The weirdest guy that could exist on the planet.

"Yoongi" He narrows his gaze at the caller, a man named Sangwoo. "Are you sure this will work? That it will be a win I mean."

"What makes you think it won't?" retorts Yoongi crossly. Jaded and impatient.

"We will be making an attack in front of the emperor and maybe his two most loyal dogs" He starts to say and Yoongi stops paying attention. Sleepy with his eyes open. "With a lot of people in between. We've never done anything this big and we spent a lot of resources on the proce-"

"Since when do you give a shit how much we spend or don't spend?" Yoongi mumbles through his teeth and the other shrinks back in intimidation. "After all" Yoongi catches the moth that keeps bothering him. His eyes glow momentarily and as he opens his palm, the moth is petrified with a greenish coloration. "I am the one who sustains all that is done."

"I-I know. I know" Yoongi throws the moth at him and barely tackles it. "It's just that this time it's a hell of a lot more dangerous. It's assaulting the emperor himself and excuse me for appreciating my head where it is."

"Don't you have a fucking air dragon? You run away, asshole, instead of letting them catch you" Sangwoo purses his lips. "Or he's so pathetically weak you can't do anything with him." taunts Yoongi.

Sangwoo clicks his tongue and walks away. Yoongi notices that the emperor has arrived and with him his usual two companions. Namjoon the advisor and Jungkook the general of the guard. He knows Namjoon has the dragon of knowledge. He will not be a threat. Of Jungkook no one knows for sure if he has a dragon or not. According to the bad tongues, he does not have it and on the contrary, he's in that position by pure favoritism of the emperor Agust. It is a position that requires a dragon. It is too important.

Dragons are, even now after many centuries, a human aspect for no apparent reason. Some have one, some don't; they are called manifestations of the soul, hidden in the being and that arises when asked or needed. Yoongi doubts very much that such cheesiness is true. Why? Why were you miraculously born with a soul able to spit and control fire? To open the earth? To make plants bloom? It's ridiculous. Although he has no other explanation, he's open to a more realistic one.

One where his strange dragon, makes sense. As strange as existence itself. While others have dragons of fire, air, mud, ice and electricity, Yoongi has a jade dragon. It is capable of producing as much jade as it pleases or supports. After a certain limit, he starts to turn himself into just that: jade. However, he's quite practiced at it. He can turn up to a hundred kilos of rock into jade before he passes out, that's what his group lives on. Because of their limitations they steal and swindle others. That's how they make ends meet.

Jade • Princes | Yoonseok/YoonKook || BOOK 1#Where stories live. Discover now