XXXVIII. The three crowns reunited

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"We should go after they speak. We're not supposed to be present at meetings this important."

"But I don't want to be alone and... and... What if my uncle finds out it's me?"

"I don't think you're that identical to when you were twelve. Besides, the makeup, clothes and hairstyle makes you look different, doesn't it?" replies Jimin almost confused by Hoseok's panic. He doubts that he would be so easy to recognize as Japanese unless he looks at him too much.

If it weren't for the tattoo, they would still be fooled about it. Hoseok complains about the little hair pulling. It's usual when delegations or monarchs come in persons to have the company of an emperor's kisaeng. Although there are clearly many more who can help, it's best seen if the emperor allows his own. A show of courtesy. Not to mention that it will be just entertainment. For they are Haengsu.

Hoseok will go with the emperor of China, Jimin with the emperor of Japan.

"Do you think it will go well?" Jimin stops what he's doing.

"Yes. Why wouldn't it go?"

"What Yoongi said, so they were going to attack in the north" Hoseok specifies and Jimin makes a circle with his mouth, letting out a long ooh. "What if they do something to mess this up and it starts a war again?"

"It's not going to happen. Trust me," Jimin asks and Hoseok pouts. That's a tricky request considering Jimin hasn't helped too much to be trusted. Not being a spy Hoseok still doesn't know how he works. "Though we can see how the conversation goes."

Hoseok looks curious and interested. How would they do that? Jimin guides him to a very secluded room and one that actually, he had never seen before. There is a huge pond in the middle. He's surprised to find Yoongi and Jungkook there.

"You were late."

"We were just fixing ourselves" justifies Jimin to Jungkook's complaint. "Soo, please." asks the dragoness who emerges and goes to sink into the pond. Hoseok peeks out first and it catches his attention that he can see from an angle Weird? From below. "Not the cups, use Namjoon's necklace."

"I don't understand. Where do you see this from?"

~ * * * ~

"I'm glad everything is going smoothly here. Despite the apparent fear of your inhabitants, they are happy and comfortable with their quality of life increasing."

"Even in winter they're having a good run. It's impressive."

Agust nods appreciatively at what the two emperors say. They are both older than he's. Much older. It's almost a miracle they take him seriously. He drinks from the tea in front of him. It makes him nervous that everything is so quiet. It's the worst thing that can happen at a meeting like this. Because chances are that as he moves forward, he'll explode worse than a barrel full of gunpowder.

"I don't know if you know about this, but" Here it comes, Agust says to himself mentally, from listening to the Japanese emperor speak: Masahiro, "many years ago, Korea agreed with Japan to give one of their sons and that this one, would marry one of the heirs to the throne. That way, there would be a much stronger union between nations."

"I am aware."

"I would like that, having ironed out the kinks and now being in the position we are in, that agreement be fulfilled" Agust gives a fleeting glance at Namjoon. He fails to notice the necklace hanging around his neck. A small vial with water inside. "I understand that you have no sons or daughters yet, no relatives who can fulfill that role either, but in the long run, I'd like you to consider it."

"Uh, how troublesome, I was coming to make a similar request" admits the Chinese emperor, Yut-Xing. "After all, it was because of my support that this empire of remained stable the first year."

"And because of our peace offering that the massacre did not continue."


The warning gurgle brings them to silence. Nokssek lady bares her fangs until Agust pats her lightly and thus calms her. The blond emperor returns to his upright position.

"I am of the opinion that union through marriages is obsolete. They can win with something as simple as the death of one party or the other. Not to say that it also makes the bond very weak" opines Agust in a dragging tone. "I reckon it can be more durably and reliably marked."

"You really think so?"

"Yes. You need nurses, that's why they were kidnapped at the time: I can get them to go as long as they are kept; you need artisans and more people with dragons, while they are a bit scarce, most babies born these four years have dragons. I can provide that, as long as you continue with the promised resources." proposes Agust.

"The guarantee of marriage would make me feel more at ease."

"I cherish my empire as it's. If anything causes a war, it won't be me or my people."

It's clear to him that they are not fascinated by the idea at all, but he has already dropped it. These meetings are long and last for days at a time. It's almost a month-long visit. He considers himself with enough time to convince them that making that exchange is more productive to a marriage. The problem with this one and that he sees, is forcing someone to be born to someone else. Have a boy or a girl, it will be treated as a commodity for both emperors.

And he doesn't like it.

Not at all.

"I heard mention that he has a new kisaeng. I love the one he has, but I'm curious.

"Unfortunately, it will be Emperor Yut-Xing's companion."

"We can share it." proposes the nobleman jokingly. Realizing that he's in an intermediate age bracket between Agust and Masahiro. "One week with me and one week with you."

"Sounds good to me."

~ * * * ~


"Oh no."

"We went to shit."

"And here I thought the worst was over."

Hoseok is still in panic, Jimin in crisis, Yoongi with ennui and Jungkook with weariness. Is it too much to ask for things to go well?

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