IX. Announcement of their private classes

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"You really don't know much, do you?"

"I-It's just that where I lived there was no way of knowing." excuses Hoseok.

The woman snorts. Hoseok asks lots of questions. Anyone would think he's not even Korean by how lost he is. The woman decides to play it down and go about his business. Hoseok pouts as looks out the window. Everything here is so quiet. It's just as quiet as the emperor. Sometimes he sees him riding a horse on the land his window overlooks.

It's one of the best views. Can see part of a garden, to a change where the servants talk and play at leisure. Anyway, Hoseok has no way to get bored really. He's just still waiting forever to be told when his "education" begins.

From the little he has understood from the servant, who very kindly explained to him: he needs to know a lot to be considered a Kisaeng. From reading, writing, politics, arts, playing instruments, dancing, singing, behaving and knowing the names of every nobleman in the empire. After all, they often come to the palace and must be there if requested.

Next to his yet unnamed companion. The misterious woman... or man. They have named as "he", Namjoon used male pronouns to refer to him, more do not know. Because who has seen dancing for the emperor is a woman? It's confusing. As many other things more.

~ * * * ~

"Starting tomorrow, your educational process will begin" Hoseok makes a circle with his mouth. Maybe he shouldn't have even thought about it! It makes him a little lazy to imagine himself in a classroom. That's the good part of going with traveling performers. "As I notified you beforehand" Namjoon adjusts the glasses on his face. "My kisaeng will be your private tutor. Next to you will be an important person. The emperor trusts that you'll know how to keep the secret of his existence."

"Eh? Secret?"

"It is about a member of the royal family believed dead until now" Namjoon announces in a low voice and Hoseok leaning to him to listen. "Your service so far has been splendid according to the emperor" Hoseok blushes. Did Agust say that? Why not tell him!? Hoseok would like to know that kind of opinion! "So he trusts that you're worthy of this honor. Few will know about it."

"Ohh~ Yes I can! Yes sir-siririrrrr~!" Namjoon exhales a laugh, Hoseok is tender almost unintentionally. Like an adult-child. His twenty four years don't adjust. "Who else will know the secret mission? So I know who to talk to about it."

"The emperor, General Jungkook, my Kisaeng, a couple of people you'll meet tomorrow and me. You're not to leave this group is that clear?" Hoseok smiles as nods. "Well, that being the case, I'll expect you early tomorrow morning. Your lessons will be at my home." Namjoon concludes with his warning.

"Of course. See you tomorrow my lord!" dismisses Hoseok and bows. Unaware that his dragoness mimics him behind his back.

~ * * * ~

"I don't need lessons from the nobles' bullshit."

"You need it plenty," Jungkook snorts, cynical. "Other person will come along who will know of your existence."

"Other who suck the emperor's balls." Yoongi snorts contemptuously. Jungkook slaps his tongue against his cheek. Insufferable. Fortunately doesn't have to make much contact with Yoongi anymore, thanks to the blind maidservants.

The only thing Jungkook can say in Yoongi's favor is that he's quiet. Very calm. Similar to a painting or Agust himself, even that he keeps biting the corners of his fingers. It is uncomfortable to watch, because on some fingers has nothing left and they look reddened to the point of bleeding. Agust has the same exact bad habit when has too much stress on him. You can tell they are twins. Even in bad habits they're identical.

Jade • Princes | Yoonseok/YoonKook || BOOK 1#Where stories live. Discover now