Saddie's Powers

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(Third person pov)

Wheels was having a slight headache all of a sudden, he kept grunting and letting go of Acapella's hand.

Acapella was worried for her boyfriend because she knew the headaches weren't ordinary headaches. They were from Ms. Evil. What does she want with Wheels anyways? Acapella thought. Acapella sighed and ruffled Wheels's hair.

          "What's up with him?" Saddie asked, Acapella almost forgot she was there. 


Saddie rolled her eye's and turned around to Facemaker who saw that she noticed him looking at her and stopped immediately, "I have a feeling that you still don't trust me."

      "Oh, it wasn't a secret, we just don't have the best encounters with relatives of other families," Acapella sadly admitted.

Saddie looked around the truck and moved closer to Acapella raising a eyebrow and smirking, "Would you trust me more if I showed you my powers?"

        Acapella nodded eagerly, she wondered what the girl was trying to get out of her though. But, was excited to see what she could do, so gladly agreed to.

She looked back at Wheels and gave a him a kiss on the forehead, "Where are you going?" He mumbled then groaned.

"I'll be back, not far." She smiled.


I wonder what bad encounter they had with a family member. "Ok, soo, you might wanna back up a little more than that-further-trust me further than that-further-ok that's good!"

       "Your kidding right? Are you gonna make a hurricane or something?" Acapella mumbled.

I smiled, then enlighten myself with my true imagine, fire.

Whacapella (a series to Emma part 1-4)Where stories live. Discover now