Where in the darkness?

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(Emma's Pov)

Why, has it always been my brother? I mean, why can't my mother just leave him be for some years. He's just a little kid.

But of course she has to go for the youngest and not the most strongest. "Mom," said holding up my pendent. "Mom, I know your listening. I'm willing to make a trade."


For a second I thought she was ignoring me but then a voice in my mind said "I'm listening."

"For your necklace, my father, my brother, and that annoying brat Jona." I rolled my eyes. "Now we're talking! Sure anything for my honeybun." 

I rolled my eyes again but was happy that my mom excepted.

                "RIIIIIGHT, anyways... are you willing to make that deal?" I smirked. "Yes.." said a slithery voice.

I grinned and tossed my necklace in the air.

"Just one catch!" 

I paused catching the necklace.

"You have to switch the place."

Whacapella (a series to Emma part 1-4)Where stories live. Discover now