No control

135 1 2

(Emma's pov)

I walked down the hallway pacing back and forth. Sweat dripped down my forehead.

You need to check on Wheels! He's your brother! No check on Wildcard he's waiting for that date! Oh no the date! I thought grabbing my purse I ran to the grand apartment building the last floor! 

Wildcard was there alright but he was frowning... And eating goldfish.., what kind of date is this?

" wildcard I'm super sorry-" I started.

The floor rocked back and forth. I heard screams of pain and terror coming from the level two floors down. 

Me and Wildcard looked at each other. His look concerned about his own dad that was in the two floors down rooms. 

Mine was:I'm-so-scared-Wheels-is-down-there! 

"Go save your brother!"wildcard said in his most heroic voice.

I would had laughed but this time right now is very serious if Wheels doesn't get out of the apartment building... Let's say he could be in a coma or hurt people!

"Wait what about our date?" I said turning around.

But Wildcard wasn't there.

Tech-no! I thought.

I quickly rushed into the building ushering people out was lava girl shark boy and blinding-fast where checking the floors until they came down with my brother. He was scrunching his eyes closed his fist where bundled up. 

Whacapella (a series to Emma part 1-4)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat