Breaking up

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Wheel's pov

"Not really, I have something to tell you and I don't really want to tell you it." Aca frowned.

"It's ok, i won't freak out, the only time I freaked out was when my dad was falling unconsciously out of the sky, and when my sister got hurt and when I was being controlled it felt weird." I laughed weakly.

But when I still saw Aca frowning my laugh became quieter until it was a very tiny faint chuckle.

"Wheel's, I like you, a lot but whenever I'd try to plan something like, romantic or whatever it would fail because...well because of your...because of everything!" Aca started shouting.

I wheeled backwards a little.

"I hate to say, wheel's but I'm breaking up with you." Aca whispered.

I froze. Frozen in ice. Time seemed to freeze. Finally, I got the courage to scream/talk.

"YOUR WHAT!!!" I shouted.

"I'm sorry Wheels-You said you wouldn't freak out!" Acapella shouted back.

"Welp, I'm sorry i broke my promise!" I screamed.

"I thought you might understand." 

"Understand! Understand that this year been the worst year of my life!"

"You missed my birthday when you where..." Acapella started.

I paused. Looking down at my shoe and my cast. Tears dropped down my cheeks.

I wheeled back into my house.

Whacapella (a series to Emma part 1-4)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum