Extra long chapter

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(saddie's pov)

"Sooo, who are you?" A kid in a wheelchair and blonde hair said, "Because, you just busted into our truck and screamed 'Gups!' that doesn't mean we want you in here!"

I scoffed and sat down crisscross applesauce on the floor. Guppy walked over and smiled patting my back. "She's my best friend, and my... cousin."

The truck started to move again and the kid in the wheelchair whispered to a girl who was holding his hand. "Aca, should we trust her? I mean, Melody was your cousin and she did some bad stuff."

I rolled my eyes and sighed, "Don't talk about me like I'm not there," Wheelchair kid jumped a little startled and smiled innocently. "Can, you-do you have superhearing?" He stammered.

I shook my head, "Like I would tell you anyways! You just excused me of being evil," then I looked around the truck, everything perfectly organized.

A girl with brownish-blackish hair was snoring in a corner, another girl was holding a cute boys hand who I seemed to recognize from my tv in my room, ok so I do have posters of him and yes he is my superhero crush, but also he is taken.

"OK, then, let's start over... I'm Wheels, the one who is right beside me is My girlfriend Acapella, the one snoring over there is Missy, and the one that's powers are glitching is Slow-Mo also, the girl who is holding Wildcards hand is my sister-Emma- and the twins over there is Rewind and Fastfoward... who am I missing? You know guppy already sooo, oh! The one who is making lovey faces at you is Facemaker."

Facemaker blushed and look down at his shoes. I giggled.

Whacapella (a series to Emma part 1-4)Where stories live. Discover now