10 minutes

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(wildcards Pov)

"Hey Emy! (A/N: NICKNAME FOR EMMA, ONLY WILDCARD CAN USE IT, WHY? BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT MAKES IT CUTE)" I smiled, jogging over to my girl-friend.

Emma waved but didn't look at me, instead she looked everywhere BUT me.

                  "What's wrong?"

Emma sighed. Looking at her necklace. 

"Wheels-Jona-My dad-" She started to cry, I pulled her in and hugged her wiping away her tears and kissing her forehead.

"There missing."

(Jona's Pov)

Apparently, I'm to young to be in the heroics but Guppy isn't! And so when I get captured... I don't even bother to care anymore.

I mean, why should I?

My parents and siblings are probably to busy fighting and arguing to notice anyways.

(Wheels Pov)

My body is shaking.

Everything is dark.

I called for help but no one answered. I think I'm in Hell.

"Dad?" I shivered. 

"Emma?" I cried fasting my pace.

"Anyone?" I was ready to give up and wait for my death. My foot was throbbing and my head hurt a lot.

"Wheels!?" A concerned voice came from the left.

Aca? My girl-friend? Acapella? There was only one second when my mind went blank but turned on again. Curse you zombies!

"Aca?" I turned around trying to find her but couldn't because you know... The damn darkness.

"Yes It's me Wheels! Help please!" 

I ran to that direction.

"WHEELS!" My family called from my right stopping my dead.

"Hold on I'll be there in a sec!" I shouted back turning to run for Aca again.

"No!" said my family.

"NO!" Said Acapella.

"You have to choose." They said in unison.

"But-" I started.

"10 minutes."

Whacapella (a series to Emma part 1-4)Where stories live. Discover now