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(this chapter is dedicated to @sadietozier_ )

Emma pov

Sooo, we went to Paris in our junky old car. I always wanted to go to Paris to I was basically squealing the whole drive there, Wildcard just chuckled at me and shook his head with amusement then held my hand.

I leaned on his shoulder and let out a quiet squeal and turned to Ella and Wheels holding hands.

I chuckled and smiled, Wildcard raised an eyebrow and followed my gaze and saw what I was looking at. Then, he chuckled too.

But, the chuckling stopped when the glass window crashed open.

We all jumped up and went into a fighting stance.

        But what we found was a 9 year old girl with black hair and brown eyes.

"Hey, put the powers away! I'm a superhero too!" She said, then she turned to Guppy and gasped, "Gups!"

Whacapella (a series to Emma part 1-4)Where stories live. Discover now