After her overwhelming speech. She walks out.

The attorney and grand jury see it fit to let me go.

When I come out of the courtroom, James hands me over my car key and phone which an officer has taken from me at the time of my arrest.

"Don't feel too relaxed," he threatens.

As I walk toward the parking lot, I see my car from a distance. Easy to recognize among so many others, because it's kind of the most appalling vehicle parked.

I get in when I turn on the engine.

The scrunching sound is the response of my car.
I smile, because I know I'm fucked.

I keep trying, and with a couple of awful sounds, it arrives at a quiet one, and I drive out, heading to the hospital.

When I was in custody, James told me about Rhonda being in the hospital, and she's also being looked after by the Raymonds.

Rhonda is also the most important person in my life, and I've been worried about her.

Halfway to the hospital, my car slowly stops.


I try to start it but it goes back to its outrageous noise. A choking smell begins to burn my nostrils. When I get out of the car I see my car swimming in a black horrible smoke.

"Seriously?!" I hit the back tire with my leg.

I think of anyone I could call for a ride, but I don't find anybody who might not be angry with me.

I bring out my phone from the dashboard and scroll through the contact.

When I arrived at Tracy's, something tells me to give her a call. She was the first person that show me love when I first arrived in Seattle. I know it's selfish of me because I didn't respond to it, but She's the only person I can think of.

I tap on her number. As it rings, I quickly hang up.

I can't say it to her, I don't know how to, so I just message her.

I lean on my car, freezing.

It's been over thirty minutes, and I'm still waiting, hoping she'll show up.

The horn of a car alerts me.

I turn and see Tracy parked across.

I take a deep breath and stride to the car. I climb on the passenger sits and quickly close the door. I fear the little wind, cause its effect is mighty.

Tracy takes off, without a slight gaze at me.

"Thanks...for coming," I say quietly.

"Don't thank me," she says strictly, as she frowns.

I nod and look out the window.

After a second, she hits the starring wheel.

"What I'm I even doing? Sam is gonna be furious," She seethes.

"Sam? You two worked things out?" I ask, surprised.

"Yeah! We did!" She huffs as she glares at me, then back to the road.

I relax on the seat.

I really did hurt Sam. She fought with her best friend because of me.

"Relax, she hates me now."

How can she say I never loved her? I know she's hurting, but what we shared, wasn't it real enough?

"You are sickly, you know that?" Tracy says, teasing.

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