He too sat up a bit, resting his back on the headboard. Before she could leave, he pulled her back.


“It's Sunday today… Let's sleep a bit more…” He spoke, closing his eyes and hugging her close to his chest.

But she didn't close her eyes for a nap. Instead she decided to admire him. Her gaze on his face, made him smile.

“Happy anniversary Zoya…” He whispered.

She smiled and kept her head on his chest, understanding that he isn't asleep and it isn't the best time to look at him.



“I can't believe you are the same guy whom I met in the party around two and a half years back. You were so rude and then you escaped.” She spoke and felt his chest vibrating as he chuckled. She smiled.

“I am the very same guy. I have just stopped escaping and started facing.” He replied, smiling. His eyes were closed.

“So, you are still that rude?” She asked in a teasing tone, raising her eyebrows and looking at him.

He opened his eyes finally. She wasn't gonna let him take a nap, was she?

“What do you think?” He asked in return.

“Amm… I think… Never you were rude. It was just your defence mechanism.” 

He looked at her in bewilderment and then shook his head. She and her being a psychiatrist!

“Well… Look at yourself. You are the same sticking-like-a-glue stick Zoya…” He teased her.

“Haww…” Her mouth formed an ‘O’ shaped smacked his shoulder lightly.

“But I like you sticking with me…” He whispered in a teasing tone, referring to their position.

“Men will be men…” She said in disbelief and tried to sit up.

He let her go this time. But she could read mischief in his eyes as he was looking at her.

“What?” She asked, getting suspicious as tied her hairs in a bun. 

“Nothing!” He replied with grin.

She shook her head, smiling at his antics. What is really going on his mind?


Zoya entered the kitchen and looked around thinking what to cook. They all were going to have a brunch as it's a lazy Sunday. Zoya likes to cook all by herself on Sundays. She enjoys cooking, hearing to her favourite songs. And Sundays are best to fulfill her hobbies.

Finally deciding what to cook, she moved to open the large cabinet which was built under the kitchen platform. Before she could even bent down to open it, it got burst open with shrill sound. That made her jump at her place as loud squeal left from her lips. She shutted her eyes close, keeping both of her hands on her chest. 

Sound of laughter hit her ears, making her open her eyes. Still in her shocked state, she opened her eyes only to find a laughing Abhimanyu in front of her. Out of nowhere, she felt someone holding her arms from behind and that someone was also laughing. It was none another than Aarohi. Aditya too was there controlling his laughter while other were laughing on her reaction without any restriction. 

‘What the hell!!’ Zoya made a face finally getting that she was pranked badly.

“Ahhh!!” Zoya cried and Abhimanyu took her in a bear hug, still laughing.

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