During this gorgeous combo, the druid turned into an eagle one last time and was finally able to break away from the remains of the net, flying to the nearby statue of the sea god that held the last lamp.

The sea god's gaze was downcast as he looked at everything in the temple with compassion.

The eagle had only flown a few meters at a low altitude when a piercing sound rang out from behind him--

The short sword, Song of Triumph, flew through the sky, cruelly piercing through one of the eagle's wings and nailing it to the statue!

Following the eagle's fierce cry, the invisible second countdown suddenly stopped at a key number.

One minute.

The magic lamp in the sea god's hand extinguished in response!

The eagle was nailed there. Looking down, he could see Odin's figure blur suddenly before melting completely into the shadows.

The sky collapsed, and there was a roaring sound everywhere. The cold air from the deep sea instantly covered what little air was left. The sound of the tide surged out from behind Odin like an ancient beast roaring wildly in the dark.

The water had already begun to pour in!

The sound of Odin's footsteps was clean and crisp. He arrived in front of the eagle, and the dagger, Deep Silence, passed by quietly and gently--

When the druid turned into a streak of light and flew off, the screen was still scrolling like mad, "Ahhhhhh, hold on for a while! Green Dumpling!"

"Water water water water water, yes yes yes yes..."

"I'm begging you to live for a little while longer! It's going to be wet, it's going to be wet! Gods up above, it's really not easy for us to wait for materials!"

"It wasn't easy to encounter a seafloor map! I! Will! Hold! On! For! One! Second!"

... However, there wasn't one second.

Just when the sea roared in, and the initial wave was about to touch Lord Four's clothes with its endless white foam, unfortunately, the scene was shut down by the system.

The two players were teleported back onto the stage.

The sea water hadn't even touched the great demon king's clothes!

"......" The rainy day cult collectively fell silent. They maintained their 'strong and intense' expression as they entered this silence, acting like stone carvings that were conspicuously embedded in the audience.

The master assassin returned to the stage and discovered that today's public screen was extraordinarily quiet.

During days when the rainy day cult wasn't there, the remaining fans had extremely low fighting power. They only knew how to 'lick lick lick' --No, wait, 'lick lick lick' wasn't acceptable either! --the old antique began to wonder when his bottom line had gotten so low.

It seemed the proportion of rational e-sports fans had suddenly become higher. They were in the midst of discussing, "What is the name of the pseudo-chain arrow technique from just now?"

"That druid will stop at the top 20 this time. To tell the truth, his playing style really doesn't conform to the e-sports spirit. Unfortunately, there's been no way to deal with him--this time, however, Green Dumpling had simply kicked an iron plate. I'm feeling heartache in advance for his next opponent."

"I'm feeling even more heartache for the great demon king's next opponent! Green Dumpling's play style is very difficult to deal with, but Lord Four's lack of play style is even harder to deal with--Lord Four is really that type of 'winning with no moves against those with moves', who wins based on game consciousness. He never plays any sort of routine, and I've never seen anyone who can improvise like that yet keep on winning all the way into the top eight of the National Championships... Regardless of who he's matched up with later, he's already made it into the top 10."

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