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Surrender by Natalie Taylor


Lizzie's POV

Our arms are still connected to each other as we made our way inside of the building. No words were spoken, but the silence between us was comfortable. Her presence made me feel safe. I didn't need to be anywhere else. And just like a perfect moment I've always dreamed of, there's no doubt in my mind that she feels the same way.

All movements were stopped when we ended up in front of our rooms. Y/N stood in front of me, a smile so warm made my heart flutter. My eyes glimmered with love, and for a moment, it felt like the world stopped moving just for us. For us to live in a moment so simple, yet heartfelt all at once.

When her hands fell upon my shoulder, and gave it slight squeeze to let me know that tonight was indeed perfect for the both of us. There's no doubt, not even for a second that she didn't feel the same way as I did. And that's when it made me realize that, despite what went down three years ago, the love we have for each other never really went away. We're made for each other.

"I had a great time tonight." Y/N said softly.

"Me too." There was a moment of silence, "Oh, I'm still wearing your jacket. I'm sor-"

"No, keep it." She smiled. "It looks better on you than it did on me."

"Thank you."

"No problem." Y/N chuckled. "I don't mind giving you some of my clothes so you can be warm."

"At this rate, I'll end up taking all of your clothes because I'm always cold."

"Then, take all of it. What's mine is yours."

I nodded innocently as my gaze followed different corners of the room. I have no idea how to act around her sometimes. She makes me feel things that I can't explain.

"You should probably go to sleep." Y/N said. "You have an early day tomorrow."

I completely forgot about the early morning shoot tomorrow, "Right."

"Goodnight, Elizabeth."

I looked at her once more before I went on my tippy toes to give her cheek a gentle kiss, "Goodnight, Y/N."

After that, I rushed into my room and closed the door behind me. I don't know what got into me, but the moment felt right. And so, here I am, my back against the door while I trace my lips that touched her cheek. I couldn't explain the amount of fluttery feeling inside of my chest, but they're there, letting me know how one simple gesture made me the happiest person I can be. I don't know what else to say other than I'm in love with her. Always and Forever.

I slept great that night. I went to sleep with a great feeling that tomorrow will be as good as the one before. And when I woke up the next day, I still felt the same happiness that made me go to sleep soundly. It was like I was breathing in life, everything felt great. I have tons of energy in me, and for the first time in a long time, I don't dread going to work because I know I'll get to see her again.

When I made it to the set, there she was. She's currently busy talking with her team about something, but from afar, she looks so damn mesmerizing. As if it was my job to do so, I admired her in every way that I could. And when she looked my way, it was like fireworks exploded in my heart.

"Good morning." Y/N greeted me with a warm smile. "How was your sleep?"

"It was probably the best sleep I've had in so long."

"Me too."

"Maybe we should go out more often." I joked, hoping that my comment didn't make her uncomfortable.

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