Can You Feel the Love Tonight

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Can You Feel The Love Tonight by Anon Seabra



I almost didn't want to get out of the comfort of my own bed, but I knew I had to. I practically had to drag myself to the bathroom to get ready. I probably spent a good five minutes sitting on the toilet with my eyes closed, dragging this as much as I could. Eventually, I was able to gather enough energy to do my morning routine. I got ready, and drove myself to where I needed to be.

I sat inside the breakfast diner, waiting. I'm still a bit sleepy so I went ahead and ordered myself coffee so I don't look like I could pass out at any moment. I'm not a coffee person, but I knew I needed something that could give me a boost or I wouldn't be able to function correctly.

"Did you miss me?"

I turned around, and a smile lit up on my face. I stood up to offer her a greeting hug, which she reciprocated almost immediately.

"I did, yes." I chuckled as we sat down in unison. "As you can see, I already ordered coffee because I practically had to drag myself out of bed. I'm still tired."

"I feel like you're telling me this is my fault that you're tired."

"Technically, if you think about it, you're the reason why I'm up earlier than usual."

"You've been back for almost four months and we literally haven't hung out, so take a chill pill bitch." Rosie huffed as she gestured for the waitress to come. "Can I get a cup of coffee?"

"Sure thing, ma'am." The waitress smiled. "Coming right up."

"So, a lot has happened actually after you basically moved half across the country." Rosie started. "Six months after you left, Matt made me co-owner of the club until a year and a half later, when I'm now the designated owner. He moved to Greece with his new wife and created a one big happy family."

"Wow, that's great for him." I nodded. "And as for you, I assume that things got busy the second you took over?"

"Yes and no." Rosie sighed to herself. "I mean, it's very unpredictable. We ran into a couple of problems with the liquor license, but thanks to Margot, she knew people in that area and I was able to correct some of the discrepancies."

"That's good." I shot her a comforting smile. "How are things with you and Margot?"

"Oh, where do I even start?" Her eyes sparkled with love, and that made me happy. "She's such a great support system and stayed through my storms. And you know better than anyone that I have a lot of those." She chuckled. "I really love her, Y/N. More than I've ever loved anyone."

"Wow, I don't think I've heard you talk about anyone like that."

"Well, this is what love does to you." Rosie admitted, her features softened. "When it's right, it's right. She's my person."

"I'm very happy for you." I squeezed her hand. "It's about time you've settled down."

Rosie threw a harmless punch on my shoulder, "Hater. But, let me tell you about what happened last night during the fourth hour of opening." She dragged on as I listened.

My phone buzzed inside of my pocket, and I discreetly diverted my attention toward the screen of my phone. I smiled to myself, eager to reply.

lizzie bear 🐻
maya threw a fit because she misses you
i swear, this kid loves you more than me 🥲

can't say I'm surprised 🤷🏻‍♀️

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