Walked Through Hell

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Walked Through Hell by Anson Seabra


Lizzie's POV

I felt all energy leave my body watching her disappear into oblivion. I stood in the empty parking lot, feeling useless because I couldn't do or say anything to make her stay. There's no excuse for the situation I found myself in. I hurt her once again, and that's a fact. I deserve feeling like I've lost everything once again because I did. Just as I thought things were going well for me, everything came crashing down. And just like that, I'm back from where I started.

My feet unknowingly led me back inside of the building, my gaze lowered to the plain white tiles of the hospital. My mind willingly drifted to the look she had plastered on her face, and how her bloodshot eyes were full of betrayal and endless amounts of pain that I caused. A familiar, yet cold shiver shot inside of my chest, reminding just how terrible I am as a person. Y/N was right. The person that was supposed to love her was the one who caused her an unbearable type of pain that no one in the entire world deserves.

"Liz, what happened?" MK held me closer, her eyes worried for me, "Why are you crying?"

I sniffled my tears back, trying to keep myself at bay, "I messed it up with, Y/N. She knows. She knows everything. And I feel like she hates me. God, her eyes told me so. I really hurt her. I fucked up." I sobbed inside of her embrace as tears pooled out of my eyes naturally.

"Oh, Liz, I'm sorry." She rubbed my back soothingly for comfort. "Let it all out. I'm here for as long as you need me to."

"Why do I keep hurting her?" I said in between my broken sobs. "She doesn't deserve any of this. I hate myself for hurting this much. I'm such a shitty person. I don't know what else to do. I just want it to stop."

"Listen, Lizzie, it's good that she knows." Scar added. "You just have to give her some time to let the truth settle in. It will hurt giving her the space, but it's what she needs. And listen to me. I know for a fact that, Y/N doesn't hate you. Everything took her by surprise. She's a smart girl. She'll figure it all out when the time is right."

"Sometimes, doing the right thing will break your fucking heart." MK held my face, as her words caressed me with ease. "But, just know that everything works out in the end. It has to. It's you and Y/N against the world. Just you wait."

I nodded as she engulfed me in a warm, comforting embrace. I clutched my arms around her, my sobs were contained, but my heart was still breaking into pieces the more I think about what she's going through right now. All I want to do is run to her, and apologize for everything I've ever done, but I know that what she needs right now is some time and space away from me. No matter how much it hurts, it's the right thing to do.

After I returned from the hospital, I tucked Maya back into the comfort of her own bed. I went back downstairs and wallowed in self-pity inside of my dark living room. Lifeless, and the silence is almost too deafening for me to bear. Not only can I hear my own heart shattering into pieces, but my thoughts are shouting at me for all the things I've said that night. I hate who I've become. And if that's the case, who's to say she doesn't? She probably does. I wouldn't blame her.

I gawked at the screen of my phone, my right thumb hovering over the call button because that's what my heart wants right now. To hear her voice. Every cell in my body wants nothing more than that. I didn't even know I was crying until a single tear fell on my screen. I pucker my lips together in an attempt to control my emotions, but as time went on, I ended up breaking further than I anticipated. My lips quivered in sorrow as I held myself together, hoping that she was here with me, her arms wrapped around me, telling me that everything will be okay.

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