Come Back For Me

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Come Back For Me by James Young


Lizzie's POV

For the first time in a while, I woke up in a great mood today. The events of yesterday and how bubbly and content it made me feel drove me to a blissful state of mind. I can't remember the last time I've felt this good. We made a day of it, and quite frankly if I'm being honest with myself, I can feel her slowly warming up to me. Hell, we almost kissed. That has to account for something. I just know that it can only get better from here.

We spent all night decorating my backyard, along with the help of Scar and MK. Even after we finished, Y/N stayed behind to help me clean up all the mess that our setup caused. Thinking about it now, that was the first great night I've had in a while. We ate dinner together, and I told her about my past and current projects. I did all the talking for the most part, which I didn't mind. I was still happy being in the same room as her with no tension whatsoever. It was merely a harmless, friendly talk. It's minor steps, but it's progress.

Despite the lack of light in my kitchen, the slightly dark room still feels like there's so much life in them. My house is empty, no barking from Ollie and Maya running around begging me to make her breakfast. It was peace and quiet, and for once, I didn't mind. I happily opened the curtains all over the window with the biggest smile on my face. I took a quick peek at my backyard, flashes of yesterday's events reminded me of how great it felt spending time with her.

After I made myself a quick cup of coffee, I continued my morning routine so I could head over at Scar's house for breakfast. I put on the first outfit I could find, excited to see the birthday girl. Maybe it's the fact that Y/N will be at the party, but something about today brings in a different type of energy that I haven't felt before. It feels like I'm in cloud nine. A familiar sensation that only occurs within me when it has something to do with Y/N.

When I got to Scarlett's house, I knocked on the door a couple of times until I was greeted by the blonde woman. She engulfed me in a welcoming hug, and ushered me inside of her home. I was instantly met by the two kids laughing and conversing about the party today. It made me feel happy hearing her voice and the excitement behind them. It was soon followed by Ollie's gentle barks.

"Mommy Lizzie!" Maya cheered as she hopped off of her chair. "I'm so glad that you're finally here. I've missed you so much."

I picked her up, giving her a face a light squeeze, "I've missed you too, little one. Did you have fun with your sleepover last night?"

She nodded innocently, "I did. We made our own pizza last night, and it was so much fun because we put so much toppings that it covered the entire thing. I wish you were here last night."

"Aww, I'm sorry pumpkin." I settled her back on the ground, kneeling down to her level. "I'll make it up for the party tonight okay? It will be so much fun!"

Her eyes glimmered with excitement, "Oh my gosh, I can't wait! This will be the best birthday ever! And Y/N is still coming right?"

"Yes, that's correct." I booped her nose. "She can't wait to give you the gift she got you. Now, go eat your breakfast so you have all the energy in the world for later."

Maya nodded before joining Rose at the dining table, "Hello, Rose!" I waved at the little one, who returned the favor almost immediately. She gave me her toothy grin before falling back into a conversation with Maya.

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