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Lover by Taylor Swift


Lizzie's POV

The sound of my phone ringing ever so loudly woke me up abruptly. I mindlessly attempted to grab my phone from the nightstand, too lazy to even be bothered to open my eyes because I'm still tired. I squinted at the brightness but as soon as I saw Y/N's name invade the screen of my phone, I had all the energy in the world. I gathered myself for a quick second before answering the call.

"Hey." Y/N greeted. "What took you so long to answer?"

"I was sleeping but thanks to you, I'm wide awake."

"Shouldn't you be up by now making Maya breakfast because she has her last rehearsal before the play tonight in like two hours?"

I looked at the time on my phone, "Shit, you're right. I could've sworn I thought I set an alarm last night."

"Good thing I called," Y/N said. "So, I'm guessing you're still in bed and not making breakfast?"

I yawned, "Nope."

"That's fine because I'm outside, so open up."


"You're really going to make me wait down here, Elizabeth?" Y/N asked, her voice a bit raspy.

"I'm coming."

I immediately ran to the bathroom and tried to make myself as decent as possible. I brushed my teeth, splashed my face with cold water before making my way downstairs. I took a couple of breaths, hoping that I look decent enough.

"Finally." Y/N shook her head. "Can I come in?"

I nodded, gesturing for her to enter my home. I'm still taken aback by her sudden appearance to the point where I'm starting to think that I'm dreaming. There's no way she's actually here with me.

"I figured you were still sleeping, so I went ahead and got a couple of things to make for breakfast."

I stood a few feet away from the kitchen as Y/N started to take the content out one by one inside the plastic bag she was holding earlier. I felt awkward to stare but that's all I could do because it's taking more than a second for my mind to comprehend what was going on.

"What are you doing just standing there?" Y/N asked rhetorically. "Come and help me."

"Oh, right."

I joined her in the kitchen as we fell into a battle rhythm of how we're going to cook everything she laid out on the granite countertop. I wasn't much of a help, but rather a sous chef that kept an eye out on the food that was cooking on the skillet pan. Y/N took charge, and I didn't really put up much of a fight because I didn't mind not doing as much as I should be doing. I was more than content by just watching her cook her heart out with the widest smile on her face.

It definitely felt like old times, to say the least. The two of us are in the kitchen, cooking together, and having fun doing it. For a moment, everything was perfect. It was something I never thought I would experience again. But here we are, working together as a team.

"Why don't you go upstairs and wake Maya up while I prepare everything on the table?"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, now go."

"Okay." I chuckled and shuffled my way upstairs to the little one's room.

I opened the door gently and saw that she's still asleep. I tiptoed my way beside her bed before stirring her into consciousness.

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