She Lays Down

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She Lays Down by The 1975


Lizzie's POV

A stinging headache is what woke me up from my sleep. I tossed and turned trying to see my surroundings but the light from outside was preventing me from doing so. Everything hurts and the sudden urge to want to throw up is definitely not helping me. I shouldn't have drank more than I can handle. It was a bad idea to begin with, and my jealousy really got the best of me last night. I groaned thinking about it, and when I escaped the cover of my sheets, to my surprise, I'm not in my bedroom. I rubbed my eyes and scanned my surroundings, only to realize that I'm in Y/N's room.

My eyes widened, memories of last night came flooding back to me. I remembered how she carried me out of the club, mumbling something that I can't quite remember, and the motorcycle ride to her apartment. I felt embarrassed for a moment, but as I remembered how my night ended, I couldn't help but draw a smile on my face.

I spent the next fifteen minutes reminiscing about the few minor moments we had, making me feel giddy. I situated myself into a seated position, my thumb would casually scratch the corner of my mouth as I was in deep thought about last night's events. When my eyes caught the sight of the clothes I'm wearing, my heart immediately decided to skip a couple of beats. I stumbled on my feet, trying to bring myself in front of the full body mirror, seeing that I'm wearing her light-blue polo shirt.

I jumped a little when I heard noises from the living room. I ran my hand through my hair, in an attempt to make myself look decent. I took deep breaths before I slowly made my way to the living room where I found Y/N making me breakfast. It only took a second for our eyes to lock, and when they did, I immediately stopped walking.

"Sit." Y/N gestured toward a vacant chair. "Breakfast is ready."

I complied, not uttering any word. I watched as she took the orange juice out of the fridge, pouring it in my cup. She sat next to me, grabbing my plate, cutting the waffles into squares before placing it back in front of me.

"You need to eat." She stood up from her seat, and my eyes followed her. "You really put yourself at risk last night. You shouldn't be drinking that much, let alone go to a club with someone you just met." Y/N stated sternly as she made her way next to me.

I nodded, taking a couple of bites of the food in front of me. The silence is deafening, and I could see her watching me intently. I wish I knew what she was thinking because by the look on her face, she's observing me so intently like she wants to scold me for misbehaving.

I couldn't take the silence between us anymore, so I decided to break it, "What happened to my clothes?"

"It was covered in vomit." She told me. "I had to change you. There was no way I was going to let you go to sleep in that state, so I changed you."

I didn't know how to respond, so I decided to continue eating, hoping a topic would come up that I could talk to her about. But, as usual, I came empty handed. I don't know why, but I feel intimidated around her.

I felt shivers down my spine when her thumb found its way at the corner of my mouth. Our gaze locked, and suddenly the air was getting thick to a point where I'm struggling to take one full breath.

"What should I do about you?" Y/N mumbled, the sound of her voice enough to drive me at the very edge. Her thumb began to trace over my bottom lip, and my eyes fluttered shut. I could hear my heart pounding out of my chest. "What you did last night was very irresponsible."

My eyes were still shut even after she pulled her hand away. I swallowed the lump that took form in my throat before I finally opened them. My gaze followed her to the bathroom where she came out with a first aid kit. I furrowed my eyebrows in question as she made her way back next to me. I huffed a little bit when she placed my right leg on top of her lap, showing me a couple of wounds I didn't even know I had.

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