Be My Mistake

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Be My Mistake by The 1975



Work has been hectic these past couple of days. Most of my nights have been filled with staying past midnight because of reshoots and technical difficulties. They became so frequent that by the third day, it's almost a routine for me to fix them. The bright side about today is that everything else is going according to plan despite another late night shoot. I wonder how my day will end today. It's only a little past noon. A lot can happen then.

I decided to skip lunch today. I had a lot to work on and I wanted to keep my momentum going. So, I got lost in my work. I was so lost that I didn't even realize that I've been seated on my chair for the past hour and a half. I don't think I got up to get something to drink or a snack. I definitely have a back hunch because I was slouched over the entire time.

After assisting in any way that I can during one of the scenes, I went back to my office because I was no longer needed. Instead of standing around doing nothing, waiting for the camera to stop rolling, I continued to finish a few of my tasks. No one even noticed that I left. I mean, it's not like anyone cared enough to pay attention for the lack of my presence.

As soon as I sat back down on my seat, my phone rang, making me jump a little. I took a peek at the screen, seeing Scar calling me. I answered almost immediately.

"The number you have dialed is no longer in service." I joked around, trying to suppress my laughter. "Either the number has you blocked or it doesn't exist. Please try again later. For any further question, please press pound—"

"Cut the bullshit, Y/N." Scar cackled with her raspy voice. "But, anyway, I need you to do me the biggest favor. Please tell me you'll do it."

"Depends.." I hummed, in thought. "Does it involve me killing someone?"

Scarlett scoffed, "Killing someone... Who do you think I am? A trained assassin?"

"I mean, you kind of are if you think about it." I threw in another joke. "Miss Romanoff."

"If you keep this up, I'm going to choke you to death." She chuckled over the phone. "So, the favor... will you do them?"

"What is it?"

"I'm supposed to pick Maya up from school today, but I just got called to do a movie interview in fifteen minutes and that could take a while." Scar paused to catch her breath. "I promised Liz I would because I owe her one, but I'm in a bit of a bind because I can't get out of this one. Will you please pick her up right now?"

"Yeah, of course. What school?"

"Oakwood Elementary School."

"Okay, I got it. I'll pick her up right now."

"Thank you so so much." Scar cheered with relief. "I already got in contact with the school, so they're expecting you to pick her up."

"Wait, what if I had said no?" I cocked my eyebrow theatrically.

"I would make sure you wouldn't say no." Scarlett said. "I have my ways, and I make sure I get what I want." Suddenly, her voice sounded very intimidating. Chills down my spine. "That means you."

"I'm telling Colin you're flirting with me!" I chuckled, earning a harmless sigh from the woman.

"You're lucky I like you." Scar imitated my laugh. "But, in all seriousness, thank you so much."

"Of course." I smiled widely as if she could see it. "Anything for the MILF." I cracked another joke.

"Bye, Y/N." Scar chuckled before ending the call.

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