Luke hummed something and lay back down, pulling me with him. He easily rolled me onto my side next to him and pulled the covers on us. I just lied there in surprise and in a slight shock while he got comfortable.

"Good night," he said tenderly, pushing hair out of my face, then resting his hand on my arm.

I stared at him for a moment, but then smiled at him. I snuggled closer and placed my hand on his neck. I stroked his jaw with my thumb, enjoying the closeness. His hand sneaked back up, stopping on my cheek. I felt his fingers behind my ear, playing with my hair.

Was it too soon to sleep the night in the same bed with him? Probably, but it didn't feel wrong, and he seemed happy to share the bed with me, so why not? I believed we both needed closeness at that moment.

"Good night," I smiled and pecked his lips.


I spent the entire Sunday with Luke. We went for a walk with Bella, played video games for a couple of hours, and even watched a movie with his parents. Then, they insisted I'd stay for dinner before going home, so I did. I'd been dreading going home the entire day, and it had brought my mood down a notch, but I wished no one had noticed.

And then it was time. It was past nine already, and when I saw that, I felt something heavy in my stomach. I'd had a great weekend with the Frosts, and I felt sad I had to leave. Luke had promised to take me home, even though I could just walk since I didn't live that far away.

"Luke, go get his bag, will you?" Mrs. Frost said, and once Luke was walking upstairs, she came to me. "We'd like you to take this," she said, and gave me a small piece of paper. "Our phone numbers. If there's anything you need, anything at all, you call us, all right?"

I looked up at her, and then at Gwen, who joined us in the foyer. "Thank you..." I muttered, feeling a bit awkward.

"I mean it," Mrs. Frost said sternly. "And I want you to know you're welcome to stay in our home. I think you are still too young to be left alone overnight, so I'd rather have you here with us, all right?"

I wanted to point out that I was fifteen, I could take care of myself, and that I'd been way younger when I was left alone at home for the first time. But I didn't since I really didn't want them to get worried and call child service or something. I just couldn't take the drama.

"I'll keep that in mind," I said with a smile, and put the paper in my pocket.

"Good," she said, just when Luke returned downstairs.

"Ready?" he asked, and I could tell he didn't want me to leave.

"Yeah," I said, putting up my brave face, pretending I was okay about going back home, which I was not.

I followed him out, after saying my goodbyes to his parents. I felt sad when Luke closed the door after us, but I didn't let it show. Also, there was something I had to do.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him closer, getting up on my toes. He was surprised when I kissed him, but he didn't pull away. I felt his hand on my back, and the kiss deepened.

"What was that for?" he asked with a smile after I pulled away.

"I can't kiss you goodbye once we arrive at my home," I said quietly, hating my own words so much.

"Right," he said, and there was only understanding in his eyes.

We continued our way to his car, and I waited for him to unlock the doors before hopping in. He put my bag on the backseat and sat down behind the wheel. He was putting his seatbelt on when I reached to touch his hand.

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