" I don't know what I am supposed to do ." He said " Now that I know she is my sister, I can't pretend she doesn't exist. I want to protect her the best that I can." I squeezed his hands harder " But if someone finds out ... It's the law... but it's so unfair. She didn't choose this."
" No she didn't." I begun " That's why we are going to help her" I said, an idea clearly going through my mind.
Maxon looked at me questioning.
" What are you thinking about ? " he asked me, frowning.
" What if you could take care of her, make sure she always has what she needs, and that she is close to us ?" I started saying
Maxon looked at me, not understanding what I wanted to say.
" What if we did the same thing you did for Marlee and Carter after their caning ?" I didn't like remembering this.
" You mean, giving her a new identity?" He asked, still not catching it .
" Well, yes, but also, keeping her at the palace. Giving her  a work here ." I finished saying.
First, he didn't say anything.
I think my idea was good.
Because it's Maxon's sister, he cares for her and so do I .

After a few minutes of silence he finally said :
" She is still a child though . She's only ten, but we could ask someone in the palace to take care of her ?"
"Do you really think it could work ?" He asked me , doubt in his eyes
" I do " I answered .

" How are you Your Majesty ?" Gavril asked me
" I am very well, thank you Gavril." I said
" I heard you and the king had a special announcement for us tonight ."
" We do" I said, smiling .
" May I know in before everyone or do I have to wait to hear you say it in front of all Illéa ?" he asked, a little impatient.

Thanks for making me remember this little detail, Gavril.

I laughed " I am sorry to disappoint you Gavril, but you will have to wait ."
" What a shame..." he said with a fake pout
"Well, good luck then !" he finally said looking at the time " We have one minute to go, I think you should go at your place, your Majesty." he said to me, gesturing towards the stage .
" Yes, thank you ." I said, touching his arm and walking to the stage, stoping at Maxon's left.
" Are you ready, my dear ?" He teased
I rolled my eyes.
The producer shouted " Ten seconds to go !"
I smiled weakly at Maxon as the cameras went one and the light turned red :
" Good evening Illéa" Maxon begun.

We talked about the things happening in the country, the dissolution of the castes which was progressing, and a few other formal things.

I felt my heart beating faster in my chest.
My palms were so sweaty.
I gulped down a few times, more than I needed to.

When the informations of tonight came to an
end, Maxon turned toward me .
I nodded at him.
" And at last, we have a big announcement for you tonight. " he said, looking at me again and I continued :
" Yes." I swallowed " The king and I would like to tell you... that I am pregnant.
We are going to have a baby."

I felt like the world stopped.
Sweat was forming on my forehead as, during half a second, a big silence settled down.

Then, everyone applauded.
There were shouts, exclamation of joy, congratulations, and more that I couldn't quite catch .

People were happy about it.

Maxon took my hand, turning toward me with a bright smile and finished by saying :
" Thank you Illéa. Good evening "
The lights on the camera went out and people were coming from all around the stage, greeting us .
" We'll see us after" Maxon said with a wink.
I smiled back as people came closer to me from everywhere.
" Your Majesty, what great news !"
" For how long did you knew about it ?"
" You must be really happy !"
" I am sure the baby is going to be as beautiful as his parents ."

Because of these compliments coming from everywhere, I didn't even see Marlee coming next to me .
" America !" she said hugging me " I am so happy for you two ! Why didn't you tell me before ? Never mind, I don't care, I am just so excited!" she said seeming, indeed, really excited.
" I am too, I guess " I answered
" Do you want to talk in a more, silent place ?"she asked me, glaring at the door .
" For sure"

I escape all those people, thanking them, and then we crossed the door and sprinted to her room.

Marlee's room was a light pink, with golden touches.
She was really good at decorating rooms and the result was really pretty.

After Maxon and I officially pardoned Carter and Marlee, they stayed at the palace.
They kept working here, Marlee as my lady-in-waiting.
I thought they needed new rooms of course and I let Marlee decide how she wanted it to look.

" Okay, so now that we are alone" Marlee started " Tell me everything !"
" It's not that special. I just found out I was pregnant one week before Maxon's birthday, two months ago. I told him on this special day"
" Oh, so romantic" she said placing her hand on my mine.
" Yeah, well, that's all. After, we just kept the secret until today. We still can't really see my baby bump. " I added.
She lowered her head looking directly at my stomach .
" Actually, when we know about it, we kinda see it ." She shrugged.
I laughed " If you say so."

The rest of the evening was just me and Marlee talking about babies and about our husbands, who thought we must always be tired and so fragile.

She also gave me a little advice, here and there.

I know tomorrow, my family would call me and speak for hours about the baby, and how I feel, what would be his or her name ...

But for now I was just laughing, like a teenager, with my best friend.

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Do you have any ideas what will happen next ?

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