
Start from the beginning

The car was still silent, until a loud slap startled everyone.

He turned around and saw your hand on your cheek, you'd slapped yourself.

"Katsuki..?" You whispered and he immediately sat up and leaned towards you, "Akari what-"

Another slap.

Then he saw the realisation in your eyes as tears streamed down your cheeks, "I cant- I-" You said rather loudly, continuously slapping yourself.

"She's hyperventilating! Stop her!" Aizawa said as Katsuki tried to gently stop you from slapping yourself, "Akari please calm down!" He said as you looked at him with fear in your eyes.

"Why- why are you talking like that?" You screamed as Katsuki frowned, "what?"

"Why aren't you making any sound?" You breathed heavily, "why? Why?" You cry holding your ears with trembling hands,

"Why is everything so quiet?"

Katsukis eyes widened as he pulled you to his chest, painful sobs escaping your throat as you screamed, "she's panicking, hurry up!" Present mic demanded as Aizawa clenched the steering wheel and sped up.

Why can't I hear? Why?

Losing one of your senses must be so terrifying for you, getting injured is something else but losing your senses? That's something that everyone's afraid of.

And the fact that it was his fault, was making this even worse.

He felt like he couldn't breath as he held you tightly in his arms, "Im sorry," he repeated over and over again like a chant.

Finally arriving at the hospital, you seemed a bit calmer but still panicked, as Aizawa quickly helped you out of the car and lead you through one of the emergency rooms.

He gently rubbed your back as you cried on his shoulder, "Aizawa.." you sniffled as he looked down, "What is happening?" You sobbed as his heart clenched at the sight, he shook his head and gently pat your head.

The doctor arrived, and Aizawa reluctantly let go of you and stood to the side, next to present mic and Katsuki.

"I'm sorry." Katsuki said quietly and Aizawa shook his head, "I'm not the one you should be saying that to." He said coldly, "just pray that she's okay enough to hear that from yourself." He threatened and Katsuki nodded.

I deserve it.

After a few minutes the doctor turned around, "There isn't any permanent damage." The doctor said and the three of them sighed in relief.

"She's experiencing temporary hearing loss which is normal considering the amount of trauma her eardrums have suffered." He explained, "her hearing will return in the next few days, but she should avoid any loud noises at all costs. I suggest buying her sound proof earmuffs to keep her ears safe just incase."

"Her body also went into minor shock, so you should keep an eye on her blood pressure." He said as Aizawa thanked him and left the room.

Katsuki turned to look at you, as you sat on the bed, waiting for Aizawa to finish writing down what the doctor said.

You looked pale and drained of energy, and you probably felt as tired as you looked.

He guiltily looked away, then he felt a hand on his shoulder.

He looked up at present mic, "this kind of stuff happens, don't beat yourself up for it too much." He smiled at him and Katsuki clenched his jaw and nodded.

How could he not? If he hadn't snapped at you and just put his anger aside and listened to you, you wouldn't be here right now.

I'm sorry Akari.

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