Chapter 37

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Lizzie's pov

I wake up in a hotel suite of some sort. My hands have been tied behind my back with vervain rope. A gag, which has also been dipped in vervain, has been shoved into my mouth. The burning sensation I'm feeling is so agonizing that most of my nerve cells have gone numb.

I glance to my side, and see that Hope and Josie have been met with the same hostility as me. Hope has begun to stir, but Josie is still out cold.

I look around, and listen for any signs that might suggest someone else is in the room with us.

But I find nothing. Hope, Josie, and I are the only ones here.

A sizzling sound is heard. I glance over at Hope, and see that the ropes on her wrist are bubbling up.

'Wolfsbane,' I realize.

I try to control the emotions that are inflating inside of me. This wasn't how things were supposed to go. I barely had my heightened vampire emotions under control as it was, and now that we've been kidnapped...

'Calm down,' I think to myself. 'Please...'

The door bursts open, and Elijah Mikaelson walks inside, accompanied by a brown haired man and a tall black woman.

Josie chooses this moment to wake up with a loud gasp.

"I thought I had prepared myself for every possible situation when I first stepped into the borders of the Crescent City two hours ago," Elijah says, directing his words at Hope. "But I must say, you took me by surprise. I never would have expected the infamous Hope Mikaelson to simply stroll along straight into my path."

After a few seconds of silence, Elijah reaches forward and pulls the gag away from Hope's mouth. "Do you know who I am?" he asks.

"Of course I do," Hope says quietly.

"Well, I am at a considerable disadvantage here, then," Elijah says. "You know who I am, yet I do not know who you, or your friends, are."

Hope frowns at these words. "What does that mean?" she asks.

"You've heard all about me from your father, but for me... All the knowledge I have of you comes from books and rumours, both of which I believe to be highly unreliable sources of information," he replies.

"Let us go," Hope growls. Her eyes flash a golden color, but Elijah merely smiles. "You can't transform, can you?" he asks, noting how she struggles to free herself from her bonds. "That would be thanks to Aya and her coven of witches," he nods to the black woman.

"What a bizarre little trio you've formed, Hope," Elijah says. He looks at Hope, Josie, and me in turn.

"A tribrid, a human, and a..." Elijah pauses for a moment, when he looks at me. "What would you say, Tristan? Three hundred?" he asks.

The brown haired man, Tristan, looks at me intently. "Three hundred and seventy is my guess," he says.

"A three hundred and seventy year old vampire," Elijah finishes, with a nod to me.

I stare at Elijah. He thinks that Josie is a human? And he thinks that I'm nearly four centuries old? Yes, I turned in 1642, but that doesn't necessarily mean-

"And I don't suppose any of you would be willing to share my brother's plans with us? Where his best defenses have been placed, what weapons he possesses?" Elijah asks.

None of us answer him.

"I expected as much," he says to Hope. "I suppose that, now that I have you, I could blackmail my brother to do absolutely anything I wished him to. But I'd like to make him wait for a while, if you don't mind. I want his mind to be in an unstable, panicked place when I tell him that his missing daughter is with me, completely at my mercy."

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