Chapter 12

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Totally out of context, but I realized today that Forwood(Tyler and Caroline) was a REALLY sweet ship. A lot of people don't like Forwood because Tyler's not a popular character, but he literally broke every single bone in his body for Caroline, repeatedly, day after day. If that's not love, I don't know what is. 

I'm still a Steroline shipper though :)

And not that anyone asked, but my favorite couples in the TVDU are Klamille, Klayley, Stelena, Steroline, Bamon, Kolvina, and Hizzie. 

I REALLY ship Hizzie. 

Anyways, here's the chapter. Please vote if you enjoy it! :)


 Hope's pov

Night falls, and I'm half asleep with my head leaning against the right wall of the carriage. Across from me, my dad continues to flip through the book he was reading earlier.

Suddenly, the carriage lurches forward, and I'm thrown onto the floor by impact. Automatically, I sense that we're being attacked.

My dad seems to realize there's a problem as well, and he turns to call out to the vampire Cassius to deal with it. Only when he pulls back the curtains on the carriage, he finds that the only thing left of Cassius is his beheaded body.

"Damned witches," my dad snarls as he kicks open the carriage door. He jumps out and onto the ground, but I decide to stay where I am- on the floor of the carriage, lying next to Kol's body.

"I was wondering when you bloody lot would show up," my dad shouts.

"Klaus Mikaelson," a male voice says. 

I carefully climb up onto the seat my dad was sitting at before, and peek out through the window. A black man, who has at least seven younger men by his side, stares at my dad with an unforgiving expression on his face.

"I see you remember my name. Apologies, but I seem to have forgotten yours," my dad says nonchalantly.

"You will pay for all your sins one day, mark my words," the man says.

"Perhaps," my dad shrugs. "Now, will that be all? I'm in a forgiving mood today, so why don't you take your little apprentices and leave while I still allow it?" he says in what could technically be called a 'polite' manner.

"We are the protector of all witches," the man continues, unfazed by my dad's threat. "Reveal to us the location of the nine witches you abducted, and there will be no need for further confrontation," he says.

At this, my dad begins to laugh. "You're off your game tonight, aren't you, Bennett?" my dad says.


"You see, I stole twelve witches, not nine," he says.

For a moment, Bennett's stern and controlling demeanor breaks. But just as quickly, that surprised look disappears.

"Five seconds, Mikaelson," Bennett says, "Or you will face the wrath of the Coven of Eight."

"A rather boring name, isn't it?" my dad says amusedly. He may not be acting like it, but I can see it in his eyes- my dad is wary of what this witch can do to him. And if Klaus Mikaelson is wary of someone, it usually means that everyone else needs to stay clear of that 'someone''s path for all of eternity.

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