Chapter 22

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I'm going to do another double update today :D


Lizzie's pov

Hope Mikaelson. The Devil's Daughter.

I flip the book open and begin to read the words aloud.

 "Born as the daughter to Hayley Marshall and Niklaus Mikaelson, Hope Andrea Mikaelson is the only one of her kind. Known to the supernatural world as 'the Devil's Daughter', she lives up to her name. Wherever she goes, chaos and terror follow."

"She was raised in New Orleans until the tentative age of seven, where she then began to attend the Salvatore School for the Young and Gifted. Having been near dark, ancient magic from a young age, Hope awakened her werewolf gene when she accidentally let loose a hurricane inside the school's doors. Three students ended up dead, and countless others were injured. Her parents took her out of the school after this tragic incident, which to this day is referred to as 'the Awakening'."

"Hope began to be taught magic by her Aunt Freya, an ancient witch with unmatched abilities. Her parents taught her how to use her werewolf abilities to her fullest. After the events of the Awakening, they grew extremely protective of her and forbade her from leaving the Crescent City. Due to being exposed to the unspeakable acts of violence and darkness of the Mikaelson family during her childhood, Hope developed a psychotic illness..."

I falter and glance up at Hope. She shows no emotions on her face as she carefully takes everything in. 

I turn and look at Josie, who stares back at me. This whole situation is so much worse than we thought.

"Hope developed a psychotic illness, where she would unpredictably burst into fits of rage, without being able to control herself.  No further deaths occurred after the Awakening until the eve of her thirteenth birthday, when she wiped out an entire bus filled with innocent humans in the middle of the French Quarter- I can't read this anymore," I say, as I push the book away from me with a feeling of unease.

I glance at Hope, and for a second, I fool myself into thinking that the Hope from this book is the same Hope that is sitting in front of me right now.

'Snap out of it,' I tell myself. I can't give up on my best friend, especially at a time like this.

"This still doesn't explain anything," Josie says after a minute of silence. "These are just the results of our actions. What caused Hope's entire childhood to alternate? What exactly was is that we did?" she wonders out loud.

"Hope?" I say, "You okay?"

Hope jerks her head up at the sound of her name.

"Yeah," she replies in a hollow voice. "I- I'm fine," she mutters.

"I'm fine," she repeats, this time in a louder voice, as if she's trying to convince herself of this.

"Okay," I nod. "Now are you two going to listen to me about how we should go return to the past?" I ask.

Hope slowly nods. "But Josie's right. We still haven't pinpointed the exact time where things went downhill. And unless we have a specific time and date-"

She abruptly stops talking when the door flies open. The uniformed guards from before- the ancient vampires, dark witches, and bloodthirsty wolves- all march into the library, led by the heretic whose neck I snapped a couple minutes ago.

Hope, Josie, and I all stand up and face our enemies back to back.

"Detorturus," Hope shouts, just as one of the dark witches yells, "Prohibere!"

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