Chapter 29

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It's official.

Hizzie is going to happen.


Lizzie's pov

Roughly fifteen hours have passed by. I'm literally so close to snapping my own neck to save myself from the agonizing boredom, when my hearing suddenly picks up on something.


My mom grabs me and whisks the both of us away to the far end of the cell, where we manage to hide inside a giant crack in the wall.

Meanwhile, Katherine stops playing around with her pebble, and slowly stands up, instead.

"Klaus? Is that you?" Katherine says cheerfully. Her feet swing back and forth while she pushes her entire body weight onto a large boulder in the middle of the cell. "I've missed you," she pouts.

The footsteps grow louder. A figure approaches us from outside of the cell. Slowly, he makes himself visible underneath the dim light which the stalagmites of the cave provide.

"Klaus!" Katherine squeals, as she rushes forward with the stupid pebble still clutched in her hand.

I glance at my mom, and see that she's staring towards Katherine with a look of disbelief and... What is that? Pity? Fear?

Whatever the case, I don't need any further confirmations to convince me that Katherine's sanity has totally gone off the deep end. Why is she running towards the man who spent 500 years hunting her down like he's Santa Claus or something?

Klaus opens up the bars to the cell, and steps inside.

"Katerina," he says to her in a calm voice.

"Look," Katherine says, holding up the pebble to Klaus's face. "Isn't it pretty?" she giggles.

Yes- she actually giggles. Katherine Pierce, the infamous queen of hell who managed to outsmart every single person who ever got in her way, is giggling.

"Yes, it's quite pretty," Klaus plays along.

I frown, wondering what he's getting at.

"I'm going to have to do something now, sweetheart," Klaus says, "And you won't like it. But you're the one who made me promise to do this in the first place, so you can't get mad, all right?" he speaks to her as if she's a deluded child- which I suppose she is.

Katherine has two seconds to frown and look confused before a sickening smashing sound is heard- My hand flies to my mouth as I realize Klaus just punched Katherine across the face so hard that she fell onto the ground. Katherine clutches her bleeding mouth with her face contorted into a mixture of pain and panic.

"Why did you do that?" she says, looking like she's on the verge of bursting into tears. Klaus rolls his eyes, and stomps down on her stomach. Blood sprays out of her mouth as she crawls away with the pebble still in her hands.

"Katherine," Klaus calls, looking annoyed and extremely exasperated, "Let go of the bloody rock."

"It's a pebble," Katherine corrects him.

Klaus punches her again and again, repeatedly, until-

"Oh, for hell's sake, Klaus!" Katherine suddenly yells. She grabs his wrist, twists it around his back as she jumps onto his shoulders and knocks him to the ground. Her hands wrap themselves around Klaus's neck as she slowly begins to squeeze the air out of his lungs.

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