Chapter 19

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Starting from Chapter 20, I'm going to be dedicating each of the chapters to a specific reader :)


Lizzie's pov

This has got to be the most stupidly coincidental thing I've ever experienced in my entire life.

Klaus stares at me curiously. "You're not Caroline," he observes. "Who are you?"

"Uh..." I say, as sweat forms on my hands. I quickly wipe them away on my jeans.

"I'm- I'm looking for... A job?" I say weakly. 

A job? What the literal hell do you think you're doing, Elizabeth Jenna Saltzman?

"What?" Klaus says to me. 

I force myself to swallow the lump that is forming in my throat. 

This isn't the same Klaus from 1642. He isn't the murderous psychopath hell bent on destroying everyone who stands in his path- Not at the moment, anyway. 

And it seems Hope and Josie's reverse purge spell worked- Klaus makes no indication that he recognizes me.

"Um- I'm a witch for hire?" I say, more as a question than as a statement.

"A witch for hire," Klaus repeats.

I nod. "Or- you know, I've just been hearing things about what you and your- Your siblings are doing," I mumble.

Shut up, Lizzie!

"And... I thought I could help?" I finish in a meager voice.

Klaus stares at me. Clearly, he doesn't believe a word that comes out of my mouth.

"As touching as that statement is, I already have a line of experienced witches who would be more than glad to be of service to me, so," he shrugs, "I think I'll just kill you and move along with my day."

"What? No!" I yelp.

He pauses just long enough for me to make out the fact that he thinks I'm a lunatic.

"I mean," I clear my throat. "No. None of your 'experienced witches' are as experienced as me," I state. 

He lets out an amused laugh. "I sincerely doubt that, love," Klaus says.

I hold my ground when he takes a step forward. "Your witches maybe powerful, but tell me- Are any of them four hundred years old?" I ask.

Klaus freezes. "Excuse me?" he asks.

I let out a shaky breath. I can work with this. I can work with this crazy storyline I've brought upon myself.

"I'm a heretic," I say, "I was turned into a vampire in the 17th century."

He continues to stare at me, as if reluctant to believe my words.

"You're this all powerful Original Hybrid, right?" I ask him. "So use your super senses and tell me if I'm lying to you," I say. "I was a siphon witch, but I was turned into a vampire in 1642."

"That's quite the impressive resume," he nods with a strange twinkle in his eye.

This Klaus is definitely different than the last Klaus I dealt with. He's much more... Well, 'easygoing' isn't the right word... 'Fun' might be a bit more appropriate. As in, 'he toys around with his victims before tearing them apart, instead of just tearing them apart outright' kind of fun.

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