Chapter 23

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Here's the second update of the day! 

Make sure to go check out my other TVD books, too! Thank you so much for all the support and comments :)


Hope's pov

"We need to talk. In private," Caroline says through clenched teeth.

"Whatever you want to say, you can say right here," Freya says, not budging an inch.

Caroline lets out a shaky sigh. "My daughter is a vampire," she states.

This takes Freya by surprise. Her eyes jump to Josie, then land on Lizzie.

"A heretic," Freya corrects Caroline.

"Undo it," Caroline demands.

"Undo it?" Freya scoffs.

"You're the oldest witch on the face of the earth. You have enough power to level entire cities- so yeah, I'm asking you to undo it," Caroline says.

Freya stares at Caroline, then shakes her head.

"I can't," Freya replies. "Technically, your daughter is dead right now. By asking me to turn her back into a witch, you're asking me to raise the dead."

"And is that such a hard thing to do?" Caroline says in a loud voice.

"If I had the power to raise the dead, don't you think I would have done so a long time ago?" Freya yells. Her voice cracks a little at the end. 

What's that about?

Caroline shakes her head furiously, refusing to accept this statement. "I'm coming with you, then," she says. "I'm going to New Orleans, and I'm going to talk to your brother, and he's going to turn Lizzie back into-"

"What gives you the impression my brother would know anything about the laws of vampirism?" Freya snaps. "Besides," she continues in a bitter voice, "My youngest brother wants nothing to do with you."

I frown. Since when did Kol and Caroline have such a long and complicated history?

"You mean his wife doesn't want anything to do with me," Caroline fumes. "Well, guess what, Freya? I don't care what that paranoid, jealous bitch thinks of me- My daughter was murdered, and you're going to fix it!"

"It's not our problem to fix!"

"Actually, it is," Caroline says, panting in and out in anger, "Your niece was the one who turned her."

Freya pauses at these words, and looks over at me. 

I stare back and blink, only having understood half of the conversation between the two women.

Freya sighs. "Lizzie can come with me and Hope," she says in an exasperated voice, "But I'm not letting you come, Caroline. Despite our differences... This school, and everything you've done in between-" Freya says, as she gestures around, "I respect what you do. And frankly, I don't want to see you die. Especially not at her hands."

Now this is getting a little too dramatic for me. Freya said 'my youngest brother', so the 'wife' Caroline referred to must be Davina. But in what reality can Davina and Caroline be enemies, when they've never even met in the timeline I'm from?

Or is this something else entirely? Maybe Kol has a different wife, or a new Mikaelson sibling popped up from the grave somewhere? God, I'm getting a migraine.

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