Chapter 24

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So I may have accidentally turned Hayley into a complete bitch in this book... I apologize in advance :/

Lmao okay but in the later chapters, she turns into a better person :)


Lizzie's pov

Klaus Mikaelson and Hayley Marshall. The two of them walk out of the elevator in synchronized harmony, projecting so much confidence that it's almost like they believe they own the world.

"Hope," Hayley says. She walks over to her daughter and smooths down Hope's hair in a caring manner. "We're so relieved you're safe. We heard you left again, and we were so worried," Hayley says with a little smile.

"Needless to say, we know you can take care of yourself," Klaus says, draping one arm over Hayley's shoulder and placing his other hand on top of Hope's.

Hope immediately flinches and stumbles away from him. And who can blame her, really? I wasn't there when it happened, according to Josie, the Klaus from 1642 beat the living shit out of Hope.

"Are you alright, my littlest wolf?" Klaus says, his tone immediately changing to that of worry.

Hope doesn't answer. She just looks at him warily, as if expecting him to attack.

"You," Hayley says, as she turns her attention to me. "You're Forbes's daughter, aren't you? What are you doing here?" she demands.

"Hope turned her into a heretic, apparently," Freya sighs. "Caroline insisted that I bring Lizzie here, in the hopes that Klaus might know of a way to reverse the effects of vampirism."

"You turned Lizzie Saltzman into a vampire?" Hayley says to Hope. Then, without waiting for an answer, Hayley laughs.

"Good for you, then," she says to me. "Now, you and your twin- Jodie? You guys won't have to do the whole Merging business," she shrugs.

God, since when did Hayley Marshall sound like a total bitch?

"The way I see it, my daughter did everyone a favor. So run back to Virginia, and stay within the safe confines of your home like a good little-"

"Hayley," Klaus says in a warning voice, "Why don't you take Hope up to her room and make sure she's alright? I'll see what I can do about Elizabeth's situation," he finishes.

Hayley glares at Klaus.

I stare at the two of them, wondering what I could have possibly done to make Hayley hate my guts.

"Of course you'll help her, you do whatever is necessary whenever that blonde bitch is involved," Hayley snarls.

Blonde bitch? Is she talking about me, or-

"Caroline Forbes," Klaus says, "Means nothing to me," he assures her. "But she never fails to offer help to our daughter when she needs it, so I am merely returning the favor," he says.

Why the literal hell does Hayley care so much, anyway? Out of all of us, I should be the one most grossed out about the talk of the little fling that my mom and Klaus had!

A couple years ago, when word got out at the school that my mother once had a one night stand with the one thousand year old Original Hybrid when she was a teenager- God, it was a complete nightmare.

"Oh my god!" Hope screams, causing me to jump out of my thoughts.

I jerk my head around, expecting to see a three headed monster or something. Instead, I lay my eyes on Klaus and Hayley, who are- well-

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