Chapter 3

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 I remember my head hitting the floor as the world slowly turned black... But how long ago was that? I look around the room I'm in- it's quite large, but dark and damp. The harsh winter winds fly into the room through the small crack in the wall opposite of me. One single torch lights up the entire room, which I now realize is designed more like a cell.

"Lizzie! Josie!" I hiss at the twins' unmoving, limp bodies. Where the hell are we? How long has it been? I can see that the full moon is shining brightly through the crack in the wall, meaning I can't have been out for more than a couple of hours. 

Whatever the case, I need to get myself and the twins out of here. Of course, it's bad enough to be stuck in a dark cell under normal circumstances, but when you're trapped nearly four centuries in the past? Who knows what kinds of consequences that could lead to?

"They will be okay," a new voice says. 

My hairs stand on end as my eyes adjust to the dark lighting of the room to make out the form of another person. It's a girl- She can't be any older than we are. Her hair is pale, nearly white, as are her face and lips. Her cheeks are hollow, which indicates that she hasn't eaten for a while now.

"They were ordered not to do any intensive damage to the witches they found. He needs us alive," she speaks. Her voice is frail, yet is surprisingly calm and steady.

"He? He who?" I ask. The girl hesitates. "The one that they work for... The one they all fear," she manages to say, before shrinking back into the shadows again.

Great. So all I have to get me out of this situation are two unconscious Gemini witches, and some girl who can't seem to get a full sentence out without looking like she's going to faint.

My eyes travel across the floor of the cell, and they grow wide as I notice that there are so many more people in here than I realized. 

Including the twins and myself, there are at least twelve young witches trapped inside this cell. They're all weak and barely moving- undoubtedly, it's the magic dampening chains that have brought this effect upon them.

I take another glance at Lizzie and Josie. Before, I thought that they were unconscious. But now, I realize it's more than that. Sweat is pouring down both their faces as their skin takes a sickly grey color. 

The chains are affecting them on a whole other level... Why? Is it because they're siphon witches? Perhaps, unintentionally, their bodies are trying to siphon up the dark magic in the chains as a defense mechanism?

That brings on another question- why am I not as affected by the chains? My skin looks relatively healthy, and I'm in full consciousness. 

Suddenly, my eyes find the beams of moonlight streaming in through the crack in the wall.

Of course.

It's the full moon tonight. Not only does my werewolf side partially protect me from these chains, I have heightened powers, as well. Maybe, with just a little luck, I'll be able to break free using my werewolf strength?

It's worth a shot. I lift one foot upwards, and place it on top of the link of chains between my wrists. I then kick my foot outwards, whilst simultaneously pulling my arms backwards. The sudden motion brings forth a burst of strength, causing the chains to bend the slightest bit.

I continue to kick and pull, until finally, I manage to get the chains off of me. 

The pale haired girl watches with wide eyes as I scramble over to Lizzie and Josie. I think it'll be possible for me to get them free without hurting them. It'll take some time, but-

I freeze as my werewolf hearing picks up on the sound of footsteps outside- footsteps that are heading our way. 

I quickly grab the chains I've just gotten out of, and hide them behind my back, along with my hands, as I pretend to fall unconscious on the far end of the wall.

A mere two seconds later, the door to the cell bursts open. Someone lands on the floor with a thud, and I lift up my eyelid just the tiniest amount to see who it is. 

It's one of the vampires from before. And he looks frightened out of his mind.

"Please, I am begging you," he says as he scrambles onto his knees, "I have brought you the last of the witches, please- Grant us our freedom-" he gasps as a stake is thrown straight into his gut. He falls to the ground, trying to muffle his cries of pain as a pool of blood collects at his feet.

"Your freedom?" a chillingly familiar voice says softly. 

I've heard that voice before, I know I have... It's too familiar that it feels like a joke that I can't place it in my mind.

"Trevor, your life ended the moment you allowed her to escape," the same, deadly voice speaks again. The man to whom the voice belongs is just standing on the other side of the doorway, hidden by the shadows... If only he would step forward, I'd be able to know why I feel I recognize that voice.

"You and Rose now owe me a lifetime of servitude. Do you understand that?" the voice finishes softly, as another stake is thrown at the vampire on the ground. This time, the stake sticks itself dangerously close to Trevor's heart.

Trevor nods furiously, as the man with the cold voice finally enters the cell. At first, the only thing I can see are his leather boots, which are visible thanks to the beam of moonlight on the ground.

Then the position of the moon changes, and with it, the angle of the light shining into the room.

Lunar rays gradually illuminate the man's body, with the light slowly traveling from his feet to his chest to his neck, and then finally his face...

Oh my god. 

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