Chapter 30

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So I have some slightly important news... EXAM WEEKS ARE STARTING, meaning I'm not going to be able to give you guys daily updates for the next couple of weeks :o

I'm thinking of updating two times a week, on Tuesdays and Fridays(South Korean time), though that might change depending on how badly I flunk my tests :)

Oh and yeah, as you can see from the previous sentence, I'm Korean :D

Do you have ANY idea how hard it was to find The Vampire Diaries in South Korea?  Fortunately, they brought tvd into one of our major streaming services a few weeks ago, but before that, it was IMPOSSIBLE to find tvd ANYWHERE. It's a miracle I managed to learn about the tvdu in the first place :D

One last thing- the next chapter is gonna be a MAJOR Klayley chapter :)


Hope's pov

"Hey, kid," the cafe owner says, "You need to get up now. We're closing up soon."

I blink myself out of my thoughts and glance at the time. Nine in the evening. I've been sitting in this cafe for thirteen hours.

I silently get out of my chair and walk towards the exit. I've been killing myself, trying to figure out a solution to this massive problem on my hands.

Well, technically- I spent the first ten hours pondering whether or not the twins and I should even try to reverse things to how they were. 

I weighed in all the factors- the worst possible scenario we could end up in if we messed with time again, compared to the situation the world is in now. 

And after a lot of thought, along with a lot of caffeine and beignets, I finally came to a decision.

We need to fix things.

A world without my dad and my uncle in it is bad for me. That's true. But I can't let my own desire for a perfect family blind me from doing what needs to be done- the world won't be able to survive a fight between Klaus and Elijah Mikaelson. If this thing between them erupts into a full on war, who knows how many casualties could occur as mere collateral damage?

I need to pinpoint the exact location in time where things went wrong, and go back and correct them so that the timeline I know is restored again.

After strolling through the streets of New Orleans for a while, I return to the Abattoir at midnight. When I do, I find that the courtyard has been packed with even more supernaturals than usual. 

Everyone immediately clears a path for me the second I appear through the gates. Wondering what's going on, I head over to the front of the crowd.

And that's when I see it. A series of mangled corpses leading up from the base of the fountain, all the way to the staircase of the old Abattoir building. 

My mom, covered from head to toe in blood, paces back and forth between the bodies as everyone else watches nervously.

"The younger members of the Strix," my mom says in a loud voice, as she gestures to the bodies. "Four of them were allegedly sent to kill me," she continues.

"Allegedly?" someone asks.

All heads turn towards Vincent Griffith, who looks like he'd rather be anywhere else than here.

"What do you mean, 'allegedly'?" Vincent repeats his question.

"They weren't even three centuries old," my mom says, as she kicks at one of the body parts that are scattered throughout the courtyard. "If Elijah had been serious in planning to kill me, he wouldn't have sent these useless goons in here. The only reason he did it was to send a message," she spits out.

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