Chapter 9

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Here's an extra long chapter for you guys :D

Hope's pov

"Not a witch!" Lizzie says loudly, causing Kol to hesitate for a split second. Lizzie gives her wrist a little flick, and Kol goes flying across the entire room. I stare at Lizzie, and she gapes at her own hands, in awe of what she's just done.

"Not a witch?" Kol says with a sneer, as he picks himself back up and lunges for us. 

I don't even have to lift a finger- Lizzie does it all for me. With her newfound powers, she magically lifts Kol off the ground by his neck, causing him to flail around as he gasps for air.

"Not a witch," Lizzie nods with a satisfied smirk on her face. 

Suddenly, black veins erupt across the side of her face, and she loses focus. Kol comes crumpling down onto the ground, as Lizzie falls to her knees. She clutches at her head and groans in pain- right before Kol vamp-races over to her, and snaps her neck in two.

I stay where I am, my jaw dropped in surprise from all that's happened within the past two minutes.

"Heretic," Kol grumbles, then stares down at Lizzie curiously.

"And what about you?" Kol asks me. 

I clear my throat. "I don't think you'd believe me, even if I told you," I say simply.

Kol gives a demonic laugh. "But of course. What else did I expect to wake up to, after spending decades in that cursed box?" he says, with the shake of his head.

"You know, I'm feeling quite parched. Why don't you just stay here, darling, and I'll make sure to be back before my brute of a brother wakes up," Kol says, as he rushes for the door.

"Praecludo," I say, as I raise my hand in the air. The door locks itself shut, and Kol gives an angry snarl. 

"Not the best idea you could have had, love," he says, as black veins begin to erupt across his face uncontrollably, "You see, trapping yourself in a room with a vampire who hasn't fed in over thirty years usually leads to unwanted consequences."

Kol races towards me and sticks his fangs in the side of my neck. I let him, not even letting out so much as a scream before he collapses onto the ground, his blood system overfilled with werewolf toxins.

Without a single moment of hesitance, I race over to Lizzie, lift her up, and begin to carry her out of the room. 

Heading into this town in the first place was a mistake. We should have tried to figure out a way back to our time the moment we landed here. Meeting my dad and my uncle was the worst possible thing I could have done. It's a miracle I'm still left existing after all of this.

It's only after I reach the empty living room of this giant mansion that I realize- I need to go back and dagger Kol. I can't have him going off on a blood binge in this century.

"Sano Resurrecturus," I mutter, as I place my hands on Lizzie's chest. 

Lizzie awakes with a gasp. 

"Get to Josie, and meet me outside," is all I say before racing back downstairs again. 

The door to the basement flies open when I kick it with my right foot. I locate the dagger where I left it before, and am about to stick it back into Kol's heart when-

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