Chapter 26

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Hope's pov

I let in a sharp intake of air as my eyes burst open. I look around wildly, and see that I'm still in Kol's room. Aunt Freya sits next to me with a tired yet relieved look in her eyes.

"Hope, you're awake," she breathes, as she pulls me into a tight hug. "Stay far away from magic for a while. In fact, stay in your wolf form for a couple of hours. When the sun sets, you can come back home, and we'll have a nice family dinner," she smiles reassuringly.

I hesitantly step out of the room, then stumble forward as the world begins to spin around. Remembering what Freya just told me, I will myself to transform. Bones begin to snap, but since I'm a tribrid, I can control the pain I feel when I turn. I slowly ease myself into my wolf body. My clothes shred away as my limbs grow thicker and stronger.

I jump off the staircase, and land softly on the ground below. I prowl out of the original Abattoir building, and almost immediately, all eyes turn to me. The dozens of supernaturals who, up until a few seconds ago, were moving around the courtyard doing god knows what, begin to back away. I see a few witches casting protection spells on themselves, while the vampires trample each other in an attempt to race out the gates.

Now that I'm in my wolf form, my head feels so much clearer. I can think properly now- and the first thought that pops into my brain is that I need to figure out exactly what has been going on in the world since seventeen years ago.

My eyes spot a familiar face amongst the crowd- Aunt Davina. I lurk towards her and she begins to stumble away, looking to her fellow witches for help. They shoot her worried glances, but do nothing to stop me, the crazy Tribrid daughter of the Mikaelson legacy.

A low growl escapes my throat. I need somewhere safe to talk. A place where I can get information without being overheard.

Davina lets out a surprised yell as I rush at her. The force of my body knocks into the back of her knees, and she falls on top of me. I keep running, occasionally letting out a howl to make the other supernaturals get out of my way. I leave the courtyard by jumping through the gates, and I don't stop until we reach the old St Anne's church.

Fortunately, there aren't any humans around. Davina falls off of me once we enter the church, and she takes in large gulps of air, clearly having been shaken up by the whole 'a wolf kidnapped her' ordeal. 

I pull the long cardigan she's wearing off of her using my teeth, then put it on after I transform back into my human self.

"What do you want?" Davina says, as she slowly stands up. 

I stare at her. She looks to be in her mid thirties, give or take. A long white scar runs down the side of her face.

 "This is going to sound weird," I say slowly, "But I need you to tell me about everything that ever happened in New Orleans starting from the day I was born."

Davina blinks. "O- Okay," she says, though that word comes out as more of a question than as an answer. "Do you want me to include the details about the war, too? O- Or should I just-"

"The war?" I ask. "What war?"

Davina stares at me with a look of disbelief. "You're kidding, right?" She abruptly stops talking and looks behind her shoulder, as if she's afraid she's been caught doing something wrong.

"No one's going to hurt you," I say, "Just- Just tell me everything."

Davina warily makes her way around me, and sits down on one of the church chairs. 

"2011. Hayley Marshall came into town. Sophie Deveraux took her hostage in the hopes that Klaus might get rid of Marcel Gerard for her," Davina begins.

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