Chapter 4

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The position of the moon changes, and with it, the angle of the light shining into the room. Lunar rays gradually illuminate the man's body, with the light slowly traveling from his feet to his chest to his neck, and then finally his face...

Oh my god.

"Klaus," Trevor continues to plead. With a single swift motion, my dad snaps Trevor's neck in two, allowing the vampire's body to land with a splatter onto the puddle of blood.

I don't know what to feel. I don't know how to react. A mixture of all sorts of emotions meets me as I stay frozen where I am.

Amazement. Wonder. Nervousness. And fear.

My dad takes notice of the new prisoners in the room. First, his eyes travel over to Lizzie, whose blonde hair has been drenched in Trevor's blood. Next, he looks at Josie, who is shivering from... What? The cold? The chains? He kneels down next to the twins, and watches them with an unreadable expression on his face.

And finally, he turns his head towards me. I fail in pretending that I'm asleep. Instead, my wide, open eyes meet his. For three long seconds, neither of us move. And then my dad gets onto his feet, and tilts his head at me curiously.

"Stand up," he says in a quiet whisper. There's something so commanding about his tone, that my body has no choice but to obey. This was why I couldn't recognize his voice- I've never heard him speak in such a dark, looming way before.

I'd heard the stories, of course... Usually from my Uncle Kol. From Aunt Rebekah, too, on occasions. And I'd read the books. The shelves at the Salvatore School were stacked with stories about Klaus Mikaelson- the greatest evil to have ever walked the earth.

But in this moment, all those stories and all those books fly out of my head, and are replaced instead with the amazing realization that after so long, I'm with my dad again. He's here. In the flesh.

This is him.

The rational part of me keeps trying to force it into my brain that this isn't the Klaus Mikaelson that I knew and loved. This is the monster that pops up in every other monsters' nightmares. This is a dangerous man who is not to be trifled with.

But those voices are drowned out by the desperation for a parent's love I've been yearning after for so long.

"It seems the chains have no effect on you," my dad breathes, as he takes a step towards me. "Why?" he asks.

I don't answer. So he keeps walking towards me, one step after the other, until he is directly in front of me. I'm suddenly reminded of the day of my mother's funeral- how he walked towards me exactly like this, and embraced me without a single word. Everything he wanted and needed to say to me had been delivered through that one hug. And right then, even during such awful circumstances, I had felt safe. For but a moment, I had been safe in his arms.

My dad slowly leans forward, and without warning, suddenly grabs my two hands which have been hidden behind my back. He wrenches them forward, and his eyes widen when he sees that I've broken free of the cursed chains.

He meets me with a glare so powerful and furious that an instinct stronger than the craving of parental love kicks in- the need to survive.

My werewolf agility allows me to jump out of the way as he aims to choke my neck. I roll into a somersault and gracefully get up behind him, so that he is now the one up against the wall, and I, standing in front of him.

His anger seemingly relaxes, and is replaced by a false sense of amusement. "How?" he asks, as he holds up the broken chains in his hands. He lets his hands fall, and the chains clatter onto the floor.

I shrug. "Your friends must have done a worse job than you'd thought," I say with a tone of nonchalance.

Then I extend both palms of my hands towards him and chant, "Phesmatos Ossox!"

The bone in his left leg breaks, but he barely grunts as he snaps it back into place.

Well. That didn't work.

We both begin to circle one another- me, with a sense of desperation, and him with an odd expression of calmness.

I decide on a much stronger spell this time, one that Vincent Griffith taught me.

"Passus Doule Tret," I say with force- a spell purposely crafted to attack the minds of older vampires. This time, my spell brings about the desired effect- my dad falls to his knees, and clutches at his head as his blood vessels begin to burst, over and over again with incredible speed.

I rush towards Lizzie and Josie, and begin dragging them out by their wrists. The faster we get out of here, the better-

I let out a yell as my dad grabs me by the arm and pulls me to the ground with such force that the wind is knocked out of me. I let out a fit of coughs, which gives my dad enough time to get to his feet. My werewolf senses tell me there's an attack coming on my right- I dodge just in time as my dad's boot slams against the part of the ground where my head was, just a few seconds ago.

"What are you?" he wonders, the false sense of calmness now totally having disappeared from his voice.

"None of your business," I grunt as I kick upwards. My dad, who was expecting a magical attack and not a physical one, is taken by surprise. A flow of blood erupts from his nose as a horrible crunching sound is heard. I jump back onto my feet, ready to face him, when-

"No!" I shout, when he suddenly grabs Josie and tilts her neck to the side, as if to drink from her. Black veins ripple across his face as I realize he's bringing blackmail into this fight.

I'm actually half proud of myself if I've managed to reach this level- such a prideful person usually never brings a third party into the fight, unless they're wary of their opponent's skills.

But at the same time- Josie's life is on the line! I slowly sink back towards the wall, my hands lowered in a defeated gesture.

Josie's body hits the floor as my dad lets go of her. Within the blink of an eye, he is standing over me, and he roughly grabs my shoulder and leads me out of the cell. The door slams shut behind him, and he keeps walking me towards god knows where.

The interior of the hallways we march through suggest that we're in an old mansion of some sort. We finally reach an open area that could be considered a living room were it not for the multiple vampires standing in front of the walls. They all lower their heads when my dad enters the room, more out of fear than respect.

My dad finally lets go of me with a hard push, so that I land on one of the couches in the middle of the room.

"What are you?" he asks, repeating his question from before.

I take a few seconds to decide how to handle this situation.

Usually, this would be the part where I pretend to take in the whole situation as a joke, revealing to my enemy in a slightly amused and haughty way that I'm the legendary tribrid- the daughter of Klaus Mikaelson.

But for some reason, I doubt that my usual approach would work right now.

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