I heard him clear his throat, "Okay, well just be careful please. Call me if anything happens, or maybe Logan."

"It'll be okay." I laughed a little at the protective tone in his voice, "But yes, I'll call someone if something happens."

"You better Hal."

"I will! Promise."

He sighed, "Alright. I love you, and I'll see you tonight. Text me."

"I love you more. See you."

I stuffed my phone into my pocket at that, and made my way through the doors of the huge office building.  My eyes trailed over to the receptionist desk, and I decided that was probably where I needed to go first, since I had no idea where Mr. Brooks office was.

I was met with a woman probably around my age and she flashed me a smile when our eyes met before opening her mouth, "Can I help you?"

"Yes, I'm supposed to be meeting with Mr. Brooks. It's Hallie Parker."

"Oh yes!" Her eyes widened and she scrambled around to pick up a phone, "He actually just told me you would be coming, give me one second."

I nodded and watched as she pressed a button on the phone, before speaking up to the other person on the line, informing them that I was here.  The girl dipped her head, before putting the phone back in its original position.

"If you'll follow Jake here." She pointed to a taller dark headed boy, that also looked to be younger, "He can take you to Mr. Brooks."

"Thank you."

I pressed my lips together, before letting my feet carry me over to the tall male, and he spoke up when I came to his side.

"So you're the infamous Ms. Parker?"

I scoffed, "I don't know about infamous, but yes, it's Hallie."

"Hallie." He smiled, "That's different, pretty."

"Thanks." I returned, following him into the elevator.

"Charles has talked very highly of you, so you must be a hell of an artist." He added as he pressed the button to the top floor.

I hummed, "A lot of people would say that, but I don't know. I just graduated from Charleston, so I'm still putting my feet into art industry."

"Well, if it's any consolation, I've seen your work, and you are more than talented."

"Thank you, again." I smiled.

He did the same, and the elevator doors slide open after that.  I let him step out first, before I took my own first steps into the hallway, and followed Jake, once again, until we reached an office that I was sure had to be for Mr. Brooks.  I watched Jake open the door, only to reveal the older man sitting at his desk.

"Thank you Jake." He turned his attention back to me and stood up from his chair, "Hello again Hallie, it's always a pleasure to see you."

I smiled as we have each other a quick hug, "Same goes for you."

We both sat down after that, and I pulled out the notebook from my bag, sitting it on the desk, as I opened my mouth, "Everything you originally told me for the pieces is all in here, but, by all means, please tell me if there's any changes you want to make now."

CHANGES 𓇽 R. CAMERONUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum