New friend acquired

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After making dinner for Angela and eating together, Shane ended up cleaning the kitchen and quickly went up in his room, locking the door and throwing himself onto bed.

He pulled out his phone and turned on the torch, pointing it upwards so it would light up the room a bit, just enough to see. He did this cuz his lazy ass was not feeling like standing up, walking back towards the door, reaching out and flipping the light switch on.  

'Naaa, too much work'

He reached inside his pocket and grabbed the sheet of paper Bianca had handed him this afternoon, it was fairly crumpled but luckily it didn't tear. 

He carefully opened it, not wanting to rip it by accident, and then focused the light of the torch on it so to see what did it say.

'Syke! You thought I would just give out my number to others that easily? No sir! If you want it you'll have to work in order to get it! >:)'  

"What the?" Shane mumbled confused.

'If you're up for the challenge, just turn the paper around, good luck :P' 

He flipped the piece of paper and there was an incomplete phone number, it was missing a few dials, four to be exact, he could also see that there were three questions written in thin lines right under it.

"Answer correctly and you will get your reward?" he read out. Shane couldn't help but smirk, she wanted him to play a game huh? Well, gamers never back down from a challenge, especially when it comes to Shane, bring it!

"Crystal lake, who is the murder? Pfff, that's easy, the mother" 

All the long time fan of Friday the 13th saga knew this, in the very first movie the killer isn't Jason, as many wrongly believed, but his mother.

"Mother has six letters... but she could also mean Jason's mother, in which case would be  twelve... I'll leave that blank for now, let's see the other two" he adjusted his position on the bed a bit, fixing the pillow behind his back so it was more comfortable as he read out the next riddle.

"The time limit in "The ring". Mmm... that would be 7 days" and he wrote down a seven, starting to read the last one "Let's play a game :)" he smiled, that was clearly Saw, meaning the last digit was three.

So this far he had 7 and 3, leaving two digits missing, he decided that 12 was the most fitting answer for the first question.

And there, in no time he finally had Bianca's number.

Shane dialed it pressed call, waiting patiently for her to pick up, the phone rung several times over, so much so that he was about to hang up, thinking he may have gotten one of the answers wrong and dialed someone else's number.

But much to his surprise, she picked up.

"Hello?" he called "Hi" she answered with a giggle "I didn't expect you to solve my riddles so quickly, you must be pretty smart" 

Shane laughed at her statement, which couldn't be further from the truth "Naaa, I'm just a nerd who loves horror movies"

"Well, then we have that in common, Sean right?"

"It's Shane" he corrected.

"Shane! Right sorry, I'm not very good when it comes to names" she admitted, chuckling a bit "No problem, mine it's not a common name anyway" he said, rolling his eyes slightly in annoyance.

"Neither is mine, I mean, who calls their child after a fucking color?" she joked, managing to snatch a small laugh from him "Fair point... wait, hold on, what does your name mean?" he asked back, not actually sure about what it meant.

"White" she answered in an annoyed voice, it was clear that she didn't like it herself.

"I find it pretty fitting, you have blonde hair and have a pretty pale skin" he commented without thinking, only later realizing that it could be interpreted the wrong way.

"I'll try to think of it as a compliment" she sounded slightly pissed, which made him cringe.

'Oops, gotta be more careful'

 "I'm sorry, I really meant it as a compliment" he tried to do some damage control "It's alright, I do get that a lot, at least you didn't call me a dumb bitch like the others" she tried to pull it as a joke but Shane could tell that she was sad about it.

"Well, I know for a fact that you aren't dumb, you helped me in class today and even came up with a clever puzzle to give out your number" he pointed out. 

There was a short moment of silence.

"Are you're trying to bribe me with flattery Shane?" he could almost hear her grin. 

"Maybe?" he answered with a smirk "Is it working?"

"A little, but not enough for you to ask me out yet" she added smoothly.

'Dang it'

"Is it enough for you to pass me yesterday's homework?"

"Mmmmh... yeah, but just barely, I won't pass you today's though"

"I'll take what I can get" he said with a laugh, satisfied with the result.

They kept talking late into the night, turns out they had many things in common, like their shared interest in horror and video games, as well as paranormal stuff. She told him she'd often sneak inside abandoned buildings and record the surroundings, hoping to catch a ghost in the act.

Although so far she didn't manage to catch anything aside a few stray cats and a group og very pissed homeless people.

'I reckon if she met Alex they would get along too... although I scared about the comments he might make... yeah better not let them meet, he'll never stop harassing me about it' I thought with a smile.

Last time Shane made a female friend, Alex thought she was Shane's girlfriend and swarmed him with suggestive and dumb questions, he didn't want a second round of that, nope, not today, thank you very much.

Time flew by the blink of an eye and before they realized it, it was already past midnight. They both said goodnight to each others and went to sleep, or at least, Bianca went to sleep, Shane just layed in bed, blankly staring at the ceiling. 

"Did I really make a friend that quickly? A girl friend?" he said in a boasting tone "Wow, maybe I am more charming than what I though" he added with a smirk, scrolling through Instagram for a couple of minutes, before slowly starting to doze off into the realm of dreams.

This time, the rhythmic sound of something hitting the wall did not wake him up, but instead lulled him into a deep sleep.


Who keeps hitting my window?! XD

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