Thirty Eight || Talk About Us

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"Hey, Tom. We should have a chat." Fallon said, pulling the boy back as Tubbo and Ranboo raced down the pavement. You could see the blood drain from his face as he nodded.

"What about?" He asked. He already knew what they needed to talk about, he just hadn't wanted to escape the amount of euphoria he'd had since she came to the united kingdom just a few months ago.

"Us, what are we?" Fallon blurted, looking at the blonde boy.

"Right now, we're definitely not friends, Fal. I want you to be my girlfriend-"


"But you live so fucking far away, man. Not only is it like five thousand miles, its a seven hour time difference. Let's face it, Fallon, we wouldnt work if we tried and you can't stay here forever." The boy said sadly. He grabbed her hand softly with a sigh.

"Well, unfortunately, im glad were on the same page." Fallon said sadly. She squeezed his hand as they continued to walk in silence. Tommy was the first to break it.

"So, we can still be friends, right?" He asked. It broke Fallon's heart the answer she had to give.

"Yeah, friends forever." She replied, voice breaking as she looked up at the stars. The trio dropped Tommy off at his house before going back to theirs.

That night, not only did she have to pack her things as Ranboo got a call and needed to go back in a week with both Tubbo and Fallon, but she had to think about her and Tommy. Did she want to be friends with someone she held so dearly to her heart and know they would never amount to more? Well of course she did, but could she handle the heartbreak? That, she was unsure of.

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