twenty || finding out

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|| finding out ||

Fallon woke up in her bed to find Tommy still on the computer. She was confused, to say the least, as to how she got in her bed when she fell asleep in the chair. She then realized that she lived with someone who actually cared enough about her to not let her sleep in a chair, and realized how she got to her bed.

The girl stood up and stumbled towards her chair. She felt exhausted, weak, and ill. She hadn't the slightest clue why, besides her sleep deprivation. The boy was still on his computer. His room was dark and the only light illuminating his face was from his computer. 

"You should go to sleep, Tom." Fallon slurred, laying her head on the desk. 

"You bloody scared me." Tommy said quietly after he gasped in fear. 

"Sorry." She mumbled. 

"How did you sleep?" He asked, turning his attention towards the call between him and the girl. They'd been in a locked voice call for some time now. He feared the reaction he'd get from his friends the following morning. The girl's door creaked open but she was too out of it to lift her head. 

"Hey." Techno whispered as he walked into the room. He pulled up the stool from her vanity across the room and sat in front of her. 

"You seem serious, should i mute myself on the call?" She asked, her eyes scanning his face for any traces of emotion. Over the course of her entire life she'd picked up on ways to read him. His eyes were never the way to read him as he always erased any traces of emotion from them. His facial expressions always failed her as well as his voice. They were too void of emotion and monotonous that she couldn't read them. She did take notice of how he fidgeted with the zipper of his zip-up jackets when he was upset. He'd start messing with the cuff of his jackets when he's mad. He'd play with loose strings or strands of thread from his jeans when he didn't care about the topic. 

The man was playing with his zipper, zipping it up and down his jacket until it clicked at the bottom for him to repeat the action. 

"Might be a good idea." He said quietly before clearing his throat and nodding. She could detect emotion in his voice for the first time since she'd been left at their doorstep. She quickly sat up and muted herself on the call. 

"What's going on? You look like you got no sleep and you look stressed. You're also upset." 

"Fal, i have some news that might be upsetting but also good news."


"Fallon i love you, but you need to stay with Karl for a little while." 


"Your parents are in California. Your parents are going to manipulate my parents into telling them you're staying with me."

"Wait- Wait but-but we've always gotten through this together. We've always done this t-together. I can't just leave now."

"They'll take you back, Fallon. We both know that. If you're across the country then the chances of you being taken away are slim." 

"I don't wanna go. No-No i'm not leaving."


"Np, you're just giving up! You're throwing in the towel!" She yelled, standing up from her chair and pushing it back. 

"That's not-"

"Then what are you doing?! This is you giving up! I should have known you'd give up on me, just like everyone else!" 

"Fallon! Fallon Delilah Rose when in the lord's name have i given up on you?! I'm doing this for your safety! Does this look easy for me? I've been on the phone with Phil for hours trying to figure out what to do! I can't go with you as it would be suspicious. I don't trust Karl, Fal, but you do so i'm putting my judgement in your trust. You mean the world to me and if you being safe means you leaving then fuck you're going as far away from me as possible. We both know it ends far worse if you don't leave." Techno fought back, standing up and evidently towering over the smaller. Tommy was getting concerned on his end.


"No, Fallon. You're leaving Thursday. You'll do your schooling from there. I'll call In and Out and tell them you can't attend for a few weeks and to fill your spot. I'll give some lame excuse. I love you, and you know i do, but the only way you're safe is if you stay with Karl." He said calmly, sitting back down on the stool.

"What about pop pop?" Fallon asked quietly, sitting down in her seat knowing not to push the man's words.

"I'll get on a plane and book you a flight from North Carolina to land in New York after me. Then we'll go visit your pop pop in the hospital. After that we'll fly to Karl's and we skip Christmas with my family this year. We go back around new years together and we go from there. If i could, i'd be sending you to Phil's." He said, looking at the floor. 

"I don't wanna go." She whispered, her voice cracking with emotion. 

"I don't want you to go either, Fal. It won't be for yoo long and you'll be with Karl. It's just Karl." 

She was hesitant but she couldn't deny. She knew just as much as he did that if she didn't go, worse things were to come. 

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