seven || Tommyinnit

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|| Tommyinnit ||

"Tommy." Technoblade's voice rang out in the vc. Tommy, Tubbo and Wilbur were in the together when Technoblade joined.

"Techno." Tommy said, the usual raspiness in his voice when he greeted people.

"Wilbur, Tubbo please leave call so i can talk to Tommy, alone." He said, voice deep and monotone.

Wilbur and Tubbo left the call quite quickly.

"What's up big man?" Tommy asked, noticing how serious the atmosphere had become.

"You raided Azazel." Technoblade stated the obvious, more emotion coming off than he would have liked.

"Yeah, what about it?" Tommy asked, taking a sip of his water. He was confused as well as unbothered.

"Thank you for doing that." Techno spoke, almost nervously.

"Why would you care anyways? Wait how did you even know?"

"What's up?" Techno asked, voice fading out slightly as he rolled away from his desk.

"I need help." A girl's voice rang out. The voice was too far away to hear, so Tommy just assumed Techno was at his parents house and it was one of his sisters.

"With what?"

"This history stuff. My teacher assigned us to read the text and find the answer but the answers aren't in the text."

"What's the topic about?" Technoblade's voice was soft and caring towards the frustrated other.

"The holocaust."

"Whats the questions?"

"Well, where did it happen, when did it happen, why did it happen. She gave us a small portion of text to read and its not in there. I have gotten all the other answers, just not these."

"Well, if Hitler hated difference and only like one specific stereotype, why did he start the holocaust?"

"So everyone could be the same."

"Exactly, so if the Jewish were different..."

"He would put them into concentration camps for being different?" The girl understood.

"Yeah! So if it went on for four years and ended in 1945, when did it start?"


"See, look you got this. Now if it was about Nazi against Jewish people, where was it located?"

"Uh...Germany?" She asked hesitantly.

"You're smarter than you think you are, Fal." He said, nudging her shoulder slightly.

"Thank you! Goodnight, i love you."

"Goodnight, love you too." The man said as she exited the room. Only then did he realize he was unmuted and what time it was for the british boy.

"Tommy it's late, you should go off to bed." Techno said, caring for the sixteen year old.

"Im fine."

"Tommy its almost 5am, go to sleep. We'll finish this conversation tomorrow. If i dont see you offline i'll call your mother."

"Not motherinnit."

"Yes motherinnit, goodnight child."

"Night, techno." The boy said before his computer signaled he had left the call.

Technoblade sighed as he spun in his chair. He'd always been very protective over Fallon. While they're not technically related by blood, he was the closest thing to a family she had.

Her parents had always treated her poorly and always reminded her she wasn't wanted and was a mistake. They then abandoned her on his parent's doorstep at the age of thirteen.

Despite the way they treated her, she still loved them only for them to put her on a plane to a family friend's house without the family friend's knowledge.

On top of that she got into an abusive relationship that she couldn't get out of, while he was away. Needless to say he dropped out of college and the boy was taken care of.

Nothing bad happened to him, just some threatening words and Techno being protective.

Technoblade just wants the girl to be happy and safe despite the cruel world they live in.

He wants her to have the world, even if it means he gives up his.

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