twenty-one || flight

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|| flight ||

Thursday came faster than the pair would've liked. While it was only two days ago they'd had the talk about it, neither thought this day could come any faster.

Fallon prayed it was a dream, though she knew it wasn't. She was so ecstatic to see Karl, her idol for such a long time, but she didn't want to leave her only family.

"Fal, wake up." Techno said softly as he shook her lightly. The sun hadn't yet crept over the horizon as her flight was at 6 in the morning, meaning it was now 2am, and she had already been starting to feel ill.

The pair got ready and left for the airport at 3:30 in the morning. The girl went through the process she knew all to well before her and Techno went to McDonalds for some food. The airport wasn't empty, but it definitely wasn't as crowded as it usually would be given the dead hour if the night.

It was already 5:50 when the pair finished eating. That gave them five minutes to bask in one another's presence.

Fallon was nervous as she didn't know how the masks were to work during the long flight. She sat and talked to Techno until she heard the overhead call her flight.

Flight 6720 direct flight to North Carolina. All Economy Class passengers may board the plane as of now. Gate will be closing in fifteen minutes for all Economy Class passengers. Thank you.

Fallon felt as if she could cry. Her pent up anxiety and desperation not to leave broke her walls and a few tears slipped down her face, but was hidden to well by the mask.

"Alright, you have everything. Phone, Phone charger in the carryon. Everything in your bags. Headphones such like that?"


"Alright, you might wanna head on to the gate. You can't miss your flight. Text me as soon as you land and then as soon as you get to Karl's. Make sure you sleep decently and if your parents call, do not answer the phone. Don't answer the phone for any unknown number. If you get Jimmy, Chris, and Chandler's numbers save them. Be safe, Fal."

The girl hugged the older man tightly before pulling away reluctantly and walking towards her gate. Once she was out of sight, Techno left the building he'd hated for years now. It was always the place he saw his favorite person leave, and he never quite liked that. Despite their age difference they compliment one another quite well.

The drive home was long for Techno. It was about 6:45 when he arrived at his home and he was exhausted. Not only physically, but emotionally. He'd almost forgotten how painful it was to watch her go that her leaving pained him as if it were the first time.

He stayed on a call with Phil until a knock on his door was heard. He and Floof went down to answer it, his eyes bloodshot and puffy from breaking down on the phone with Phil, something he rarely does.

"Hello?" He asked as he opened the door. He knew as soon as he saw her parents what he was in for.

"Where's my daughter?"

"Not here, is that all?"

"Your mother ratted you out. Where is she?"

"She is not here. Could you please leave?"

The pair came inside and pushed Technoblade to the ground in a fit to search for Fallon. Floof started growling and barking at the action of his owner being touched aggressively. Techno smiled, he loved his dog.

"She's not here! Leave my house before i call the god damned cops!" He threatened. Her parents walked out the door. Her father walked to the car but her mother stayed.

"You'll regret this."

"No, i don't think i will. If anything you'll regret ever hurting her and abandoning her when she needed you most." He spat, shutting the door in her face and locking it. He and Floof walked upstairs and resumed the conversation with Phil.

Hours later he got messages on her whereabouts from Karl as she had knocked out in the car. He promised to have her facetime him whenever she awoke and in that moment, he was glad he chose Karl to care for someone of such significance to him.

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